It’s been a busy week in Year 3! We have had to really use our growth mindsets this week as some of the work we have been doing has been quite tricky! We have spoken about how we must keep persevering and overcoming any challenges we face and that way our learning will come on in leaps and bounds!
Here is what we have been learning about this week…
-Maths: we have had a big focus on number lines. The children are great at counting in 10s and 100s on number lines but can struggle when counting in 1s and 2s (especially when the number line starts at a random number instead of a multiple of 10). Any practice you can do at home on this would be greatly appreciated!
-English: we have continued our instruction text work with the book how to wash a woolly mammoth. We created our own mammoths from milk cartons, looked at the different features of instruction texts and then role played our own version of the book.
-Science: this week we focused on the skill of asking questions as that’s how scientists are so knowledgeable! We started by drawing our hands, and coming up with questions as we went along. The children came up with so many questions, such as why do we have nails? How do our hands move? How many bones do we have in our hands? I was very impressed!
-History: this week we learnt about how early man were hunter gatherers and what that meant. The children then explored the school grounds to find three things that would have helped them survive in the stone age.
-Art: the children created some beautiful leaf rubbings.
-R.E: we wrote about an occasion where we have visited church.
-Can I please remind you that our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. If your child usually wears earrings they will have to be removed in order for your child to take part.
-Homework is due in on Tuesdays.
-Our golden award this week went to Avie, well done!
-Our writing award went to Amelia, fantastic!
-Our Maths award went to Ola, great work!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Heim-Sarac