Usually at this time of year we would begin to reflect on our time in Year 3 and all the things we have learnt, and start to look forward to the challenges September and a new year group will bring. We would have our transition morning with our new teacher and take part in Sports Day…these things can’t happen this year (not in the traditional sense anyway!) and unfortunately there are lots of things we have missed out on together this year. If I think about it too much I get a little bit sad, so I try to stay positive and instead think of all the wonderful things we HAVE done together! What we can do though, is carry on with our wonderful home learning (for only 2 more weeks!) and embrace this new normal for now! One thing is for sure, I will never forget my lockdown class of 2020! You are all stars and I am so proud of you all.

What we have tried to do is come up with ways of still allowing the children to take part in the things they would usually do at school but at home. That’s why, as mentioned in my blog last week, Miss Dixon has arranged a Sports Day for the children from home. This year’s 'Sports day' will take place starting today, Monday 6th July, until Wednesday 8th July. If you have not already done so, please take a look at the sports section of our school website for further information about our sports day from home and school. It is important that everyone participates as you will contribute to your house team possibly winning! You will need to complete the challenges within those days and email me your entry with one photo of yourself completing a challenge by 4pm on Wednesday. Any after 4.00pm will not be counted. After the event, photos will be displayed on the Sports page of our website: You will need to e-mail your entry to:

As I also mentioned last week, Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Parker will be setting the children a transition activity this week. Please see this week’s Year 4 blog for more details. I had a sneak preview of this task and it looks fantastic! I know you will enjoy it Year 3. Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Parker are very lucky to be having such an amazing class next year, and I know they are very excited. Show them just how fabulous you are children!

On top of this activity for Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Parker, the children still need to complete their Class Dojo activities for me as normal. This week’s learning project is ‘Under the Sea’ and there are lots of lovely learning opportunities on there for the children to do. Here is the link:

Home Learning Project - Under the Sea

Please note, if you have siblings in other year groups they may have a different topic for their learning project as we are currently going back and using ones that we may have missed along the way. We are happy for you to choose one topic for all children if that is easier for you.

Another resource I wanted to share with you this week is a creative writing/drawing/poetry week designed by the author Cressida Cowell and the Book Trust:


The event is running all of this week, please follow this link for more information and a schedule of events:

Cressida Cowell Summer Camp

Have a lovely week Year 3 - work hard, have fun and remember how proud I am of you all and how much I miss you!

Miss Heim-Sarac


Year 2 Transition activity

Hello Year 2! Can you believe that it is nearly time for you to join me in the Juniors! Mr Whetnall has told me some fantastic things about you, it sounds like you are a wonderful class. I can’t wait to meet you properly. You might think that coming upstairs to Year 3 might be a little bit scary but I can promise you it isn’t. We have lots of fun but we also work very hard too.

I don’t know many of you that well so I wanted to set you an activity where you could tell me a little bit about yourself. So, the activity I would like you to complete for me is:

Create me a poster which tells me all about YOU! (Things you might want to include are: a picture, your favourite colour, who your friends are, what subject you like the best, your favourite thing about school and what you think you need to work on in Year 3)

Make your poster as colourful as you like! Once your masterpiece is finished please send a photo of yourself and your poster to You might want to send me two pictures: a picture of you with your poster and a close up of your poster so I can read what information you have put on there. Please make sure I have received your pictures by this coming Friday.

I will respond to your e-mail with a picture of a poster that I’m going to create which will tell you all about ME! Then you can get to know me a little better too.

Thank you Year 2 and I can’t wait to see your posters.

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac