Our country is facing such a challenging time, but throughout it all it is hope that has got me through so far. Hope that one day things will be back to ‘normal’, hope that we can see our loved ones soon, hope that I will be reunited with you all again soon. I am hopeful for lots of things! I feel so lucky that I still get to communicate with you all through Class Dojo and see all of your little faces. You all look so happy in your pictures and I am glad that you are embracing and enjoying your time at home. Thank you to your wonderful parents for doing such a great job! It has been so lovely to see that you are also doing fun things at home as well as school work, balance is so important.

As you now know each week I will post the following tasks on to Class Dojo for the children to complete:

  • A writing task

  • A reading task

  • A tell me about your week task

  • A creative task

  • 3 Maths activities (white rose)

  • A daily LBQ quiz

If you are stuck for time or your child is struggling to motivate themselves to do their work, please try and prioritise the Maths and English tasks. I know that home schooling is not always plain sailing!

Here are the optional tasks for your child to do if they have the time:

As I have mentioned previously, please continue to access the Church website as Father Jim is on hand ready to guide us through this difficult time. He really does love to hear from the children so please get in touch through the website!

We will break up for half term this coming Friday, so no work will be set for the week beginning the 25th May and the week beginning the 1st June. I will post some fun (hopefully!) activities on Class Dojo for the children to complete over the half term break. I will be spending the majority of the half term writing reports and helping to get school ready for the potential re-opening on the 8th June.

Stay well, I miss you all!

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac