Good morning!

Firstly, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all the hard work the children are putting in at home. I was blown away last week with the work, photos and videos I received. Just to be clear, I would like the children to prioritise the tasks I am setting on Class Dojo. I have now invited you all to this site using your e-mail addresses. If you haven’t done so yet, please finish the set up process so you can access the tasks I will be setting the children. Here are the tasks I will be setting each week:

  • Daily LBQ quizzes (these do have a time limit so they need to be completed the day they are posted)

  • A writing task

  • A reading task

  • Three Maths tasks (to be completed in order)

  • A ‘tell me about your week’ task

  • One creative task

Aside from the LBQ quizzes, all tasks are to be completed by the Sunday of that particular week. I will award the children one dojo for each task they do. We are aiming, across lower key stage 2, for a target of 3,000 dojos. If we reach this target, the children will receive a lovely reward on their return to school (even if it is September when this happens).

I will still set the children activities on Sumdog, TTRS and Education City (although Education City appears to be not working well at the moment) as I know they enjoy using these sites. They also have their home learning packs to complete as well as potentially doing some activities off the learning project I posted about last week. Here is the link to this week’s project:

Home Learning Project Week 2

If you do have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me on: or contact me on Class Dojo.

Father Jim is also posting a weekly Mass on the Church website. To access this, click on the ‘Church’ button on the school website and it will take you directly to it. I personally think this is a lovely idea and it gives the children a way of still being able to connect with Father and to still be able to take part in Mass during this time.

School will be closed next week due to some essential work being done on our water tanks. This ties in with our Easter holidays anyway so I won’t be setting any work next week.

Thank you again for your support and stay well! As always, please tell the children how much I am missing them.

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac