What a week we have had! Firstly, I just want to say how hard your children have worked this week but also how hard they have been trying to make the right choices. They have blown me away this week and I am so proud of them! This has definitely been our best week in Year 3 so far and I hope it continues.

We were very lucky to have had a special visitor in our class this week - my sister! She spent Tuesday and Wednesday with us and the children loved having her here. She lives in Devon, and spends a lot of her time on a farm, so as you can imagine the children were very excited about this. She brought in some lovely videos and pictures of various animals, and the children had the opportunity to ask her some questions. On Wednesday afternoon, she brought us all a scone with clotted cream and jam! I was so impressed as pretty much all of the children tried them. We of course had them the Devon way (cream, then jam!) Yum!

We have also done some fabulous learning, as always, this week…

-In English we have looked at compound sentences and sentence openers. It's so important that we don’t just use ‘the’ at the beginning of our sentences.

-In Maths we have been looking at 3D shapes and we have also started to learn subtraction by counting on.

-In Science we looked at how our lifestyles might affect our diet. We had a go at creating a menu for somebody based on their lifestyle - for example, a bodybuilder will need more protein in their diet and a marathon runner will need more carbohydrates.

-In R.E. we have been looking at the extraordinary month of mission which is taking place throughout October. We have learnt about St Therese of Liseux who is the patron of this event, as well as looking at John Henry Newman who is to be canonised on the 13th October. We then watched a video about a nun who is a missionary and who travels to Africa to help people there. We also created our own missions to achieve this month.

-In History we learnt about Skara Brae which is a historical site in Scotland from the Stone Age. We used the ipads to research this special place.

Our award winners this week are:

Golden - Dainton

Writing - Ebony

Reading - Leo

We have the amazing RSC coming in to our school on Tuesday to perform The Merchant of Venice. We are so excited! It is such a fantastic opportunity for the children. If you would like to see this performance, there is one in the evening at 7pm. Please buy your tickets from the office to avoid missing out!

Please see the homework tab for this week’s tasks.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac