Good afternoon everyone,
This week we have been exploring the great gift of Pentecost - The Holy Spirit. In our worship this week, our prayer leaders gave thanks to God for sending His Holy Spirit to make us brave, confident and able to make the right choices.
We learned how The Holy Spirit represented that God’s love truly was for everyone and not just the descendants of Abraham. This helped us to realise that God has chosen each and everyone of us and loves us all the same. We are all children of God.
English - This week we finished our finding narratives and created neat drafts of these as books, complete with a cover showing our created creature.
Maths - In Maths we have focused on the equivalence of two quarters and one half. We have also spent some time exploring finding three quarters of amounts.
Science - This week we finished our work observing whether a bean could grow without soil. Many of us were surprised to see just how much they had grown!
RE - In RE, we wrote about the story of Pentecost from the point of view of Peter. We also thought about why Pentecost is so important to us as Christians.
PE - Our Wednesday PE was done inside due to the rain and we practised dancing. Our Friday PE explored gymnastics, where we focused upon using equipment to aid us in balancing and jumping.
Computing - We created an animation with speech bubbles in Scratch Jr.
Please continue to practise counting in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s and the Year 1 and 2 common exception words.
There is no homework this week but please continue to practise the above things.
Golden Award -
Writing Award -
Maths Award -
Year 2 PE lessons will take place on Wednesday and Friday. Please come to school in PE kit on these days.
Water bottles - all the children were given a new school bottle. This will come home each night to be cleaned and re-filled. Please only use the school bottles and ensure your child brings theirs each day. Lost water bottles can be replaced at the school office, but I am afraid you will have to pay for those. Year 2 have green tops.
I will not be in class on a Thursday afternoon, as it is my release time. This will be covered by Mrs Bowdell and Miss Andrew and is also when the children will have Music with Mrs Watson.
Party Invitations - I am afraid that Mrs Bowdell and I will not be able to give out party invitations in class. Please do not send your child into class with them for them to give out - it creates upset and fuss about something that takes place outside of school.Thank-you for your understanding with this matter.
Key Rings - please do not put key rings onto your child’s school bag, it creates fuss in class and then upset if they are lost.
School bags - please continue to use the red book bag that your child was given in Reception, we don’t not have the room to store large bags. Many thanks for your help with this matter.
We have finally finished our SATS work. We are incredibly proud of the children’s concentration and hard work!
Friday 24th May - Non-uniform day for PTFA funds - £1 contribution to PTFA
Friday 24th May - break up for half term.
Monday 10th June - Return to school for final half term in Year 2.
Week of 10th June - Phonics Screening for Yr1 and children in Yr2 who did not pass last year.
Friday 14th June - Non-uniform Day for PTFA theme EUFA Euros wear football kit/team colour and bring in chocolate for the summer fayre events
Monday 27th June - KS1 SPORTS MORNING (Sport’s Day - but just the morning for KS1. Please note that if it rains and we are unable to do sports day, our next date will be Wednesday 10th July
Friday 12th July - PTFA Summer Fayre
Monday 15th July -MOVING UP AFTERNOON - a chance for the children to experience an afternoon in Year 3!
Friday 19th July - School closes for Summer holidays.
We hope you have a happy half term,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Hall