Good afternoon everyone,
This week we celebrate the feast of Candlemas, or the Presentation of the Lord, where Simeon and Anna saw Jesus themselves, fulfilling the prophecy of the saviour of mankind coming to Earth. In church, candles are lit from the Paschal candle to remind us that our light begins with Jesus. This links in very well with our learning in Year 2 this week. We often say ‘shine our light’ when asked how we can help others but sometimes do not know what this means or how we can do this. We discussed how lights help to get rid of darkness and that this light is the good things we do (kindness, love, helpfulness, etc) which gets rid of the bad things (the darkness). We discussed how we will shine our light and remembered that all our candles of light were lit from Jesus so we can share his example with others.
In school, we continue to focus upon our class community and on supporting each other with their emotions. We continue to use our STOP approach when someone does something we do not like and have also been focusing upon resolving conflicts in a healthy, mature manner. We discussed how admitting to a wrong choice is always the first step in repairing a broken relationship with a friend or teacher. We also discussed how it is important that we do not respond to one wrong choice with another as this can cause much more upset. We ask you to focus on this vocabulary of right and wrong choices with your children at home and help them to understand that wrong choices do not make us a bad person, but rather are an opportunity for us to learn and grow. Accepting the things we do wrong can be hard and choosing not to respond to others wrong choices with our own wrong choices is something we aim for for all our children.
English - This week we read a new quest story - The Way Back Home. We explored some of the language and structure, made predictions using clues from the book and began to box up the story. We also focused on an aspect of the story and wanted to think about how we could help the boy prepare his plane for a journey. This led to a focus on instructions and we explored imperative (bossy) verbs before finally following instructions to create our own wristband craft.
Maths - We have now moved onto our next unit, money. We have explored the properties and values of different coins and notes and have considered ways we can tell these apart. We also began counting amounts.
Science - We learned about a woodland habitat and explained how some of the living things there are suited to the habitat.
RE - We learned more about the Good News. We learned that this is shown through the gospel stories about Jesus. It shows how he brought love and forgiveness to mankind and helped take away the sins of the world. We wrote ways in which Jesus’ miracles showed God’s love and forgiveness.
History - We learned about another nurse, Mary Seacole, and discussed whether or not she is as important as Florence Nightingale and why she may have been forgotten.
PE - In indoor PE we continued to work on balances with our partner and performed to the class. In outdoor PE we continued to develop our dribbling, passing and trapping skills with a football.
Please continue to practise the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words - both reading and spelling!
Please practice learning the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables as later this half term we will be having times table tests on these.
Other Tasks
Please practise the /n/ sound spelt ‘kn’ or ‘gn’. Please practise spelling these words over 5 different days to help the knowledge to stick to your memory.
Counting pence worksheets.
UK animals habitats reading comprehension activity.
Please visit the typing club website from a device with a keyboard (f you have one) to be able to practice touch typing.
As always, the MOST important way that you can support your child is by reading regularly! Please do this as regularly as possible over the break!
Golden Award -
Writing Award -
Maths Award -
Discipleship Award -
The Wednesday Word is now available online, rather than the paper copies we used to send home pre-covid. Please click this link to access this week’s gospel.
I hope to be able to organise Assess, Plan, Do, Review and SEN meetings to discuss and update targets for your child if they have a plan in place. I will be in touch to arrange these when possible.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons