Good afternoon everyone,
Can you believe it is the end of our first half term in Year 2 already? The children have worked so hard throughout this past 7 weeks and it is lovely to see all they have achieved already!
English - We have written our own ‘sister and bully’ stories based upon Sister for Sale. We planned what we wanted to include, collected vocabulary and begin writing these, one section per day. I have been so impressed by the detail that has gone into them!
Maths - We have begun our unit on addition and subtraction with a huge focus on known and related facts. We explored number bonds and reasoned how we can use bonds to 10 to calculate addition and subtraction problems to 20 and beyond using our knowledge of this. We have also been looking at fact families and how once we know one number sentence, we actually know 4! We have explored how we solve problems where the = symbol is before the calculation and learned about the location of numbers: For addition, the two parts always sit on either side of the + symbols; for subtraction, the whole number always comes before the - symbol.
RE - We have been doing lots of writing in RE this week. We wrote diaries as Moses’ sister retelling the events that led to him being found by the Pharoah’s Daughter. We then began to learn about Daniel and the Lions’ Den and retold this story carefully in our RE books.
History - We have learned about how the Great Fire changed London We explored the problems that led to the fire and how King Charles II, Sir Christopher Wren and many others tried to solve these problems when they rebuilt London.
PE - We finished our dance unit by creating a performance where we moved along a pre-planned ‘map’ on different ‘roads’ as different vehicles and showing a variety of emotions. These were great to watch!
I never set homework at the end of a half term as the children need a good break to rest and recouperate. However, please feel free to continue the regular tasks (tricky words and counting) if you would like as this is so helpful.
Other Tasks
I have sent home a spelling sheet for the children to practise for a test on the Friday we return to school. If you were not here, you can access it here.
As always, the MOST important way that you can support your child is by reading regularly! Please do this as regularly as possible over the break!
Golden Award - Archer - for his hard work, kindness and sensibility.
Writing Award - Frazer - for his confidence, perserverance and focus.
Maths Award - Noah - for great reasoning and always welcoming a challenge.
Parent’s Day
On Friday 21st October our school is closed to the children for our INSET day. This has been assigned as our parent meetings day. Parents are invited to come into school for their face to face appointment. Appointments will run from 8.30am to 10.00 am, 10.20am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 4.30pm. Each appointment will be exactly 10 minutes and will just give us the opportunity to talk about how your child has settled in and any targets they may have. You should have received a message asking you to book an appointment. Please do so as soon as possible to give the best opportunity for appointments that suit you.
Please bear in mind that the 10 minute appointment time will need to be strictly adhered to to ensure backlogs do not build up and I will be using a timer to ensure that I remain on track. Please be assured that this is just to ensure that I keep to the timings to ensure no lateness. Thank you.
Have a lovely break,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons