Good afternoon everyone,

Over the past two weeks in school we have been taking a closer look at our school’s mission: to care, learn and respect. We have heard these words several times but wanted to think more closely about what they mean to us and our learning in school.

We decided on the meaning these words had to us…

Care - we help people and treat them nicely, we help others when they are struggling with their learning, we show kindness and we share with each other.

Learn - we work together, support others in their learning, share our knowledge, try our best and understand that being wrong helps us to learn more.

Respect - We play with everyone, hug people, help them, give to charity, listen to others and shine our light.

We will continue to think about how we can apply these important characteristics in our school life.

This Week In Year 2…

English - We have been learning all about diaries through ‘Diary of a Killer Cat’ and ‘Diary of a Wombat’. We discussed features of a diary, expanded notes into complete sentences, used conjunctions to improve our sentences, sequenced events using time phrases and used thesauruses to develop our adjectives vocabulary.

Maths - We have focused upon place value and partitioning numbers. We learned more about what each digit represents in a two-digit number; used base ten, ten frames, bead strings and drew our chunky chips and peas to create representations of two-digit numbers; we did lots of work with part whole models to find missing parts and have also begun to explore how we can partition two-digit numbers in different ways (54 can be 50 + 4 but can also be 40 + 14, 30 + 24, 20 + 34, 10 + 44, etc)

Science - We revisited how we classify animals into their 5 main groups (mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians and birds) and discussed the main features that make each animal fit into their specific group.

History - We began to compare modern London with the London of 1666. We discussed how the houses, people, clothes, streets and transport have changed and began to understand that certain technologies (such as electricity and cameras) did not exist in 1666. We learned about sources and how these give us information about the past.

RE- We continued to explore how we are chosen by God. We learned that God wants us to use the talents and gifts he gives us to shine our light and help others. We learned that we are all like bricks in a wall and we are stronger when we all use our gifts and talents together. We also thought about God’s gifts to the world and wrote about how they can be used to help each other.

Computing - We explored the parts which make up computers and labelled them on diagrams. We learned that even though laptops, desktop computers and tablets look different they contain many of the same parts.

Art - We used our mark-making skills to create eye-catching feelings posters.

PE - In dance we explored the different ways of moving and began to sequence them together to make a short dance routine. In our outdoor session we developed our skills in throwing and catching and began to consider how we might move into space after passing the ball to a team mate.

Please could we ask that you try and read as regularly as possible with your child at home. We have had much fewer readers this week than we expected and we cannot emphasise enough the importance of regular reading practise. We advise you to read every night but if this is not possible, we ask that you try to read at least 3-4 times per week.

Reading underpins everything we do in school. More reading makes you a stronger reader and the stronger you are as a reader, the better equipped you will be to learn in all other areas.

Please, please continue to read!

Most importantly, please read!

Reading - Dogs comprehension - read through and answer the questions.

Writing - Use the blank fact file template to create a fact file about an animal of your choice.

Maths - Partition the two-digit numbers into their tens and ones (e.g. 45 = 40 + 5)

Spelling - The ‘or’ spelt ‘a’ after ‘l’ and ‘ll’ spelling. Click here to watch a video to support this. We will be having a spelling test on these words in two week’s time.

You do not need to send completed homework into school, however I am happy to look at any writing work if you would like to show me it. Please keep your spelling practise sheet at home as these words needs to be gone over regularly to remember them for the test.

Here are this week’s award winners…

Golden Award - Alicia - for always being ready to learn, persevering and welcoming a challenge.

Writing Award - Ava - for a wonderfully written sequencing of Jack and the Beanstalk.

Maths Award - Nicholas - for his much-improved concentration and great partitioning work.

Class Disciple Award -

On Monday 19th September school will be closed for Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral.

Please don’t forget to return your photo letters as soon as possible.

If you have any questions please catch me at the gate at the end of the day or send me an email!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons

AuthorLiam Whetnall