Good afternoon everyone,
It has been another busy and exciting week in year 2. We have been busy completing our daily walk for hunger pilgrimage around the school grounds. Please do keep trying to collect donations for this, if possible… Every little counts and the children are so pleased with their progress.
This Week…
In English, we have continued our topic on traditional tales. We have explored fairy tale language, used semantic mapping to create definitions of key vocabulary, have used thesaurus’ to identify better adjectives to describe characters and have used these to write our own character descriptions.
In Maths, we have finished our work on multiplication and will now move on to division. Please do continue learning your 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables facts as these are vital for the work on both multiplication and division.
In Science, we revisited living, once alive and non-living and discussed how we can group and classify things into these areas. We discussed the 7 life processes and how all living things do this.
In RE, we have continued to look at the Mass with a focus on the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This week we have discussed and wrote about the consecration and how this is linked to Jesus’ Last Supper. We have also discussed and identified things that happen in each part of the Mass.
In Geography we have looked at items we might find on an island and what their function might be.
This week’s homework is…
Spelling practise for a test in two week’s time and
Maths - sharing into equal groups worksheet.
Although we have had warmer weather recently please could I ask that children bring a suitable cat into school everyday to ensure that they are equipped for their break times. As we have seen int he past two days, our weather can quickly change.
Water Bottles
There are some children who are coming into school without their water bottles. Unfortunately, we have already given out all of our spare class water bottles, which have not been brought back into school. We therefore do not have any spare water bottles left for those children who are not bringing one to school. Please ensure your child brings their water bottle into school everyday. We encourage the children to take their water bottles home each day so they can be cleaned regularly to ensure they remain safe to drink from.
We break up for the Easter holidays next Friday (8th April) at 2pm.
Award Winners
Golden Award - Elsie - for super focus and a great character description.
Writing Award - Florence - for using great vocabulary to describe Beauty.
Maths Award -Willow - for great focus in her division work.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Miss Collins, Mrs Gibbons and Mrs Bowdell