Good afternoon everyone,

This Week in Year 2…

In English, we have undertaken our phonics screening checks. I have been so impressed with the children’s positivity and effort and they have all worked very hard. When I am able to release the results of these checks to you, I will do so.

We have also focused this week upon information texts and will begin to look at explanation texts through the life cycles of animals.

In Maths, we have done some missing number problems and learned tricks to help us. If the missing number is at the beginning, do the inverse and you’re winning. If the missing number is in the middle, do a subtraction to solve the riddle. We have also looked at number bonds again. We used our bonds to 10 to help us to solve bonds to 100 in multiples of 10 and have also begun to focus on using hundred squares to help us to calculate bonds to 100 in ones.

In Science, we learned all about the life cycle of a human being. We wrote about how people change as they grow and the key aspects of each stage of development.

In RE, we have been asking wondering questions and discussing these with our partners, thinking about how there isn’t always an easy answer to these questions. We have also begun to look at the symbols of the Holy Trinity and designed our own models.

In Geography, we have explored continents of the world, labelling these on a map.


Christmas Nativity

Due to an overwhelmingly positive response from the class, we have decided to do a Christmas Nativity.

The children have chosen their own roles and are all happy with their part and I have prepared some words for them to learn by heart at home. Please, please, please practice these are regularly as possible as we only have a very short time frame to prepare for our performance.

Unfortunately, due to ongoing covid issues, we are unable to perform live for parents. Therefore, we will record a performance of the Nativity and put this on our website before the Christmas holidays.



As there are Nativity words to practice, I will not be setting much homework over this half term. I have sent home some spelling words to practice as normal. There is also a maths worksheet based on number bonds to 100. Use the attached 100 square and start at the first number. Count on in ones to the next ten. Then count in tens to 100. E.g. 32 + ___ = 100 would be like this: Count on 8 to 40. Count in 10s from 40 to 100. 60. Combine the two counts 60 + 8 = 68. Therefore 32 + 68 = 100.


Award Winners

Golden Award – Hallie-Jane - for really concentrating well and giving one hundred percent.

Writing Award – Charlotte - for her fabulous handwriting in her setting description.

Maths Award – Aibhin - for fabulous work on her bonds to 100.


Please do practice your child’s nativity lines, this will be incredibly helpful to others.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Miss Collins

AuthorLiam Whetnall