Can you believe it’s already the end of our second week in school? Time certainly flies! The children have settled in very well and are really pushing themselves to be Perseverent Peters by facing new challenges head on! We have completed some wonderful work and I cannot wait to see just what we can achieve this year.
In English, we have been learning about recounts and have been writing our own recounts of the summer holidays, using conjunctions and time phrases. Towards the end of the week we have also done some dictionary work and are now experts and finding words in our dictionaries.
In Maths, we have been focusing upon place value and counting to 100 using our Power Maths scheme. We have been demonstrating our mastery knowledge and all the ways we can represent numbers. We have begun to focus upon partitioning numbers into tens and ones but lots of us are still finding this a little tricky so I have attached two worksheets to print out and try for homework.
In Science, we have been learning about classifying different groups of animals and have also been learning how they change as they grow. We have produced a wonderful piece of writing about the life cycle of a butterfly.
In RE, we have been learning about how we are all God’s chosen people and how we each have special talents and can use these to thank God.
In History, we have started our work on the Great Fire of London by looking at Samuel Pepys diary and using it to sequence the events of the Great Fire. The children are absolutely loving this and cannot wait to do even more!
Our award winners this week are…
Maths Award - Frankie
Golden Award - Zak
Writing Award - Ruby.
Have a fantastic weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Debowska