Today in Year 2 we have had a very important visit from the Blackpool Fire Service. They came in to talk to us all about fire safety and to talk us through what to do if we hear our smoke alarm going off at home. The children listened very carefully and learned all about staying safe in the event of a fire. We acted out a fire plan we might have in our home.
The Firemen left us some homework:
To learn our home address
To check we have a working smoke alarm
To make a fire plan with or families.
In English this week we have finished out Great Fire of London diary entries - they are fabulous! We have also begun to plan our explanation texts on the life cycle of frogs.
In Maths, we have focused upon addition and subtraction and have been learning how to use tens and ones equipment to solve simple addition problems, relating this to column addition.
In RE, we have been wondering about God’s world. We have asked questions which have no right or wrong answers and have been sharing our own ideas on these. I have been blown away by the level of thought Year 2 have put into them.
In PE, we have begun our second dance unit all about the seaside (on the wettest day of the year so far!) .
We have been talking about poppies and Remembrance Day and next week we will be making our own poppy pictures and poems. The children have been tasked with observing a two minute silence on Remembrance Sunday.
Award winners this week…
Golden Award - Lexi Rose
Writing Award - Max
Maths Award - Jacob.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Debowska.