We have spent a lot of time this week talking about the miracles of God and what is possible. We have also talked about the small miracles that we can perform - and do - each and every day. With God, all things are possible - not a bad moto to live by.
English - we have continued on with our RWI lessons. During these sessions we all focus on phonics, reading, spelling and sentence development. We have also been working on our pre-cursive handwriting in which we focus on how to write our letters, starting on the line. We are continuing to work hard on our common exception words, reading them in class every day!
Maths - this week has been all about measuring. This week we have worked on measuring in non-standard measures, using cubes to measure weight. We have all had great fun in the process!! We have used lots of mathematical language to express comparison between objects. A very practical week.
RE - this week has been all about the Miracles of Jesus. This week we have focused on the story of Jesus feeding 5000 people - a great miracle to retell and focus on.
Art - this week the children have continued with their work on printing - making their own templates for printing.
A few things had been missed this week due to our trip and watching the Year 6 performance on Wednesday…..it’s a busy time of year!
Many congratulations to this week’s winners…
Golden Award - Mabel for showing great enthusiasm toward her learning this year - I have been very impressed with how Mabel has grown and developed over the course of this year. Mabel is an engaged and active learner who has been a pleasure to teach.
Written Award - Jamie for a super independent retell of the story of the feeding of the 5000.
Maths Award - William for showing a super positive attitude to Maths and doing some great weighing this week.
PE will be on Monday and Friday so please send the children into class in the PE kits on those days. No earrings can be worn for PE so please ensure that they are taken out at home.
Water bottles - This will come home each night to be cleaned and re-filled. Please only use the school bottles and ensure your child brings theirs each day.
I will not be in class on a Thursday afternoon, as it is my release time. This will be covered by Mrs Veasey and Miss Sanderson and is also when the children will have Music with Mrs Watson
Homework Expectations - please see the Homework page for what I expect the children to do at home…..don’t worry, it’s mainly just reading!! Yr1 Homework — Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Primary School (squarespace.com)
PHONICS Support - take a look at Oxford Owl for information about how you can help your child at home with their phonics and reading. This is is a great site in general but the page linked has a super little video showing how the sounds should be pronounced. See how many sounds your child knows! How can I support my child with phonics? - Oxford Owl for Home
Earrings - please ensure these are only small gold/silver studs as stated in the uniform policy - some of the earrings in school are getting a bit too big. Many thanks
Nail Varnish - please ensure any nail varnish is removed for the pupils come into class. It should not be worn at school.
In this hot weather the children should come to school wearing sun cream, have a hat with them and have their water bottle each day. Please note the message sent during the week stating that children must wear shoes, and not sandals, to school for safety reasons. Many thanks.
Please could all of the children bring in a named, strong, bag for life to bring home their books next week. Many thanks.
Can all children bring their reading books and reading records into school on MONDAY where they will be collected in. Reading books will not be sent home next week. Many thanks.
17th July - Reports out to Parents
Well, what a day we had!! I spent the whole of last weekend watching the weather forecasts and going from being hopeful, to worrying, to back to being hopeful again…..we said our prayers on Monday night and low and behold the sun came out. It was a little windy, but under the circumstances that was the least of our worries. The children were wonderful and thoroughly enjoyed their day at the beach. They made Andy Goldsworthy sculptures with what they found on the beach; they made sandcastles and shared their buckets and spades with each other, they chases bubbles, found shells and crabs, played tennis, had a good walk round the lake and finally played on the park. It was glorious to see them play so well and just enjoy each others company. They were a delight to take out and many passers by stopped to say how well behaved they were and how lovey it was to see them enjoy a day at the beach. So well done Year 1 , you made us all very proud of you.
A few photos of our week….
A few sports day pictures….
This year’s Key Stage 1 Sport’s Day was won by…….LAYTON!!!! Well done to all those in Layton House and to all the children, the scores were very close.
And finally….have a lovely weekend. Mrs Hollinghurst, Mrs Veasey and Miss Sanderson