This week we have begun by talking about Pentecost, the birth of the Church and the gift of the Holy Spirit. We have discussed the signs and symbols of Pentecost and the power that it gave the disciples to go forth and spread the Word of the Lord. That responsibility is now ours and we have been thinking hard this week about how we can spread the message of Jesus and His love for us. Pentecost Sunday is this Sunday, 28th May, the spirit is near - celebrate!
English - we have continued on with our RWI lessons. During these sessions we all focus on phonics, reading, spelling and sentence development. We have also been working on our pre-cursive handwriting in which we focus on how to write our letters, starting on the line. We are continuing to work hard on our common exception words, reading them in class every day!
Maths - this week we have been working on numbers up to 50. We have made numbers using our base ten tens and ones sticks and squares, we have investigated how may tens and ones there are in a number and we have started to show our numbers in pictures, words and their values. We have also started to compare our numbers using the greater than and less than signs.
RE - this week has been all about Pentecost and the gift of the Holy Spirit. We have listened to the story of Pentecost, drawn about what happened to the disciples, found the signs and symbols of the special day and done some reading and writing about the story. We are now ready to celebrate the Birthday of the Church!
Art - this week the children have continued their Sculpture Unit today painting their clay animals….much fun was had by all!
Science - this week we finished our unit all about Plants by focusing trees and naming and labeling the different parts and thinking about what each part does. We also went on a Wild Plant hunt to see what we could find! Our potato plants are groeing well, sadly none of our sunflowers that we planted at the start of this half term have come through - I must have picked up a dud packet of seeds! We will re-plant them after the holidays.
Topic - this week we completed our Geography unit about the four countries that make up the UK. We recapped all that we had learnt about the four nations. After that we looked again at the seven continents of the world and focused on Antarctic - something we missed form our last Geography uit of work.
ICT - we have continued with our Data Handling unit by organising a set of data with pictures and numbers to make it clear to a reader using the programme sketchpad.
Golden Award - Corey for showing respect this week towards others, and himself, listening to others and understanding the role we all play in the afternoon.
Writing Award - Elsimae for super independent sentence writing in RWI this week.
Maths Award - Buddy for super work on tens and ones this week, comparing the values of numbers up to 50.
PE will be on Monday and Friday so please send the children into class in the PE kits on those days. No earrings can be worn for PE so please ensure that they are taken out at home.
Water bottles - This will come home each night to be cleaned and re-filled. Please only use the school bottles and ensure your child brings theirs each day.
I will not be in class on a Thursday afternoon, as it is my release time. This will be covered by Mrs Veasey and Miss Sanderson and is also when the children will have Music with Mrs Watson
Homework Expectations - please see the Homework page for what I expect the children to do at home…..don’t worry, it’s mainly just reading!! Yr1 Homework — Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Primary School (
PHONICS Support - take a look at Oxford Owl for information about how you can help your child at home with their phonics and reading. This is is a great site in general but the page linked has a super little video showing how the sounds should be pronounced. See how many sounds your child knows! How can I support my child with phonics? - Oxford Owl for Home
Earrings - please ensure these are only small gold/silver studs as stated in the uniform policy - some of the earrings in school are getting a bit too big. Many thanks
Nail Varnish - please ensure any nail varnish is removed for the pupils come into class. It should not be worn at school.
Just a ‘heads up’ with a few useful dates…
5th July -MOVING UP AFTERNOON - a chance for the children to experience an afternoon in Year 2!
!4th July - KS1 SPORTS MORNING (Sport’s Day - but just the morning for KS1 - KS2 are in the pm) Please note that if it rains and we are unable to do sports day, our next date will be 17th July
17th July - Reports out to Parents
PHONICS SCREENING - Year 1 Phonics Screening will take place the week of 12th June. (First week back after our half term holiday) Please ensure your child is is school this week as each child must complete an individual phonic assessment at some point during this week.
Thanks so much for those who were able to come to the short meeting on Tuesday - lovely to see you. Hopefully everyone received their little information pack - I would be REALLY GRATEFUL if you could take some time over the holidays to remind children of the ‘special friends’ and read some of the words from the pack. Two weeks is a long time for little people to have a break and then come back to their screening! A little bit of practice each day would go a long way! Many, many thanks. (See the Oxford Owl video link above for how to say the sounds.)How can I support my child with phonics? - Oxford Owl for Home
Please note that during this week I will not be in class in the mornings so Mrs Veasey and Miss Sanderson will be delivering English and Maths.
May the spirit of the Lord be upon you all.
And finally…we wish you all a very lovely half term holiday! Enjoy the sunshine…see you back on 12th June. Mrs Hollinghurst, Mrs Veasey and Miss Sanderson.
A few photos of our week…..