This week we have talked about belonging as part of our Families and Celebrations topic in RE. We have talked about all the different groups we belong to and what it means to belong. We have focused on the fact that we all belong to God’s family and that He love us very much - just as we are loved by our families, we are also loved by God.
Could I ask, to support our work on Baptism, if those children who have been Baptised could bring in a picture of their Baptism for our Baptism board. Just one photograph would be lovely - please put your child’s name on the back so that each photo can be returned to you. If possible one with the child’s parents would be super. Many thanks.
This week we have been learning…..
English - we continue to work hard in our RWI groups on phonics, spelling, reading and writing. In class we are practicing our pre-cursive handwriting, ensuring each letter starts on the line, and working on our independent writing. We are also focusing on personal pronouns in our sentence work.
Maths - this week we have focused on the three numbers of a part part whole diagram and used them to great a fact family of calculations - two addition and two subtraction. We have thought carefully about the ‘role’ of a number and how to place them correctly in a calculation.
RE - this week we have focused on Belonging and all the different groups we belong to, what are the rules of being part of that group, and what it means to belong.
Science - this week we have focused on objects and the materials that they are made from. We looked at lots of everyday objects in class and thought about what materials are used to make them.
Geography - this week in our topic we looked at simple maps and their symbols and used the key to work out what the symbols mean.
PE - we had a visiting teacher deliver a taster session on archery!! Very exciting, if a little tricky. The children did very well and really enjoyed themselves. See pictures at the end of the blog.
Art - this half term is all about drawing and the focus this week has been mark making using the ’Hairy McClary’ stories as the stimulus.
Here are our certificate winners for this week..
Golden Award - Jacob for working hard in all subjects - I am so proud of you Jacob.
Writing Award - Amara for super spelling and independent writing in RWI
Maths Award - Eddie for super calculation work in addition and subtraction
Unfortunately, we start the new school term very much still the grip of the covid pandemic. None of us want to see schools closing and remote learning back in place, so we must ALL play our part to keep one another safe. The new Omicron variant has symptoms that are very similar to the common cold - if your child is showing any cold symptoms PLEASE test them for covid using a lateral flow test and if in any doubt, please go for a PCR. I know the tests are hard to come by, but we must all do what we can to ensure this does not spread through school - we all know how quickly germs spread amongst small children and although they might not be badly affected, those around them may well be.
It may also be worth thinking about testing your child weekly EVEN if they DON’T have symptoms to enable us to ensure this doesn’t spread through our class and school
Many, many thanks for your continued support on this issue.
If your child is isolating from school due to Covid 19 and they are well enough to work, you can find their work on the HOME LEARNING page of the Year 1 section of the website. I have using Oak Academy units as they all contain a little video and a task for the children to complete that does not require you to print anything - your child just needs a piece of paper and a pencil!! And maybe some colours for the art activities!
Please DO NOT send the work into school with your child on their return, but send photos of it through Class Dojo and add work to your child’s profile. You will each get an invite to this through the email you gave to school when your child was in Reception.
If your child is off school, please inform the office and NOT the Year 1 email or Class Dojo. Many thanks
Any questions or queries either catch me or Mrs Veasey at the gate or email using
Things to note…
Children should have their water bottles each day. Water bottles must be taken home and washed daily. Children can only have plain water in their bottles, not juice or flavoured water.
PE is Monday and Friday
Earrings cannot be worn for PE
Earrings should only be small, plain, gold or silver studs
Children should have long hair tied back for school
School bags should just be the red book bags you were given in Reception
Please keep reading folders in the children’s school bags so that they have them on the right day - many thanks.
Drinking water throughout the day is so important for the children and we do encourage them to drink little and often. The children keep their bottles on their tables so can drink when they wish. However, Mrs Veasey and I have noticed a number of the children brining in juice or flavoured water into class. Please ensure your child ONLY has plain water in the school water bottle. Many thanks.
Although I do not set homework for Year 1, there is an expectation that the children read to an adult at home at least three times a week, ideally they should be reading everyday. I have added details of what you can work on at home, if you have the time, to the Homework section of the Year 1 pages. Please take a look.
And finally…..have a lovely weekend, stay safe. Mrs Hollinghurst and Mrs Veasey
A few pictures of our week……..