Another terrific week in Year 1! All the children continue to work hard and Mrs Veasey, Miss Collins and I are very proud of each and everyone of them - take a look at your child’s dojo points - they are all super stars!!

Thank-you to those parents who have joined our Class Dojo - for those of you who haven’t yet sent me an email it isn’t too late. Simply send an email to and I will add you to the system. In the case of your child being off school, email is the way that I will send you work for them to complete at home - so it is ESSENTIAL that I know if you cannot work in this way. Please let either me of the office know if you do not have an email address and your child could not work remotely from home. Thank-you.

Reading - Books have gone home this week and have been changed on your child’s day. Thank-you for signing your child’s reading records - some children have already completed their bookmark from Reception and have gone home with a certificate today. Well done! Please record any reading your child does at home from any book and they will receive a sticker.

This week we are celebrating…..

Golden Award - Natalia for beautifully presented work - all Natalia’s books are beautiful and something to be really proud of.

Writing Award - Aibhin for super independent writing in English - great work!

Maths Award - Leo for super one more/one less work this week - well done!

This week we have been learning….

English - we have continued with our familiar settings theme and this week read ‘Knuffle Bunny’ by Mo Willems about a little girl who looses her favourite toy. We have discussed and written about our favourite toy, why we love it and how Trixie felt when she lost hers. We have worked on how to write capital letters, use finger spaces and use full stops. In phonics we have worked on ‘ee’ and ‘ighi this week.

Maths - we have continued to work on one more/one less, using number lines and tens frames to support us in our work using numbers up to 10.

RE - this week we wrote some ‘I wonder’ questions about what we wondered about God’ Wonderful World.

Science - we worked on our sense of touch, sight and taste - which included a little bit of eating jelly beans!! The children used their senses to tell us what they could taste, feel and see. Super work.

Topic - this week we looked at sea side holidays in the past and today and how things have changed - particularly the clothes that people wore to the beach.

Other pieces of information

  • The children started their music lessons in class this week with Miss Benson, our new music teacher. Unfortunately no instruments or singing at the moment.

  • PE - MONDAY & WEDNESDAY - please make sure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit

  • TRAINERS cannot be wore to school on NON-PE days - school shoes then please

  • No earrings can be work for PE

  • Please ensure our child brings their SCHOOL water bottle each day

  • Red book bags for school please - NO KEY RINGS.

  • Please do not send your child to school if they, or a member of your household is showing any symptoms of COVID. We must work together to keep each other safe. THANK-YOU FOR WEARING YOUR FACE COVERING ON THE PLAYGROUND - SAFETY IS OUR NUMBER ONE CONCERN.

  • Thank-you for your family pictures - please continue to send yours in if you haven’t done so already.

  • As we cannot join together in an assembly for colective worship, we will be using the TenTen resources in class for assemblies and daily prayer. Please take a look at the Parents Newsletter and you may wish to use the mediation at home too!

    Work at Home

    I do not set homework for Year 1, but each week I will make a few suggestions for things you could do if you have time. They have worked hard all week and do need a weekend - but reading to and with your child is key, so please just do that! Otherwise you could………

    • Please ensure that your child is reading at home - school reading books, along with anything from home will be great, and ebooks from Oxford Owl.

    • Handwriting - if you have time you can practice handwriting - letters MUST start from the line.

    • Phonics work - practice the key sounds on the attached sheets.

    • Common Exception word list - these are the words that Yr1 must be able to read, spell and use independently by the END of the year.

    And finally…..have a lovely weekend….Mrs Hollinghurst, Mrs Veasey and Mrs Collins

    Common Exception Words


    Phase 3 phonics

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst