This Sunday marks the second week of Advent. We light the candle this Sunday to represent Preparation & Peace. We believe that both are fitting for this Sunday as we draw closer to the time we celebrate Christ’s birth. The wise men in the bible knew the scripture and took the necessary efforts to prepare and set out on their journey to worship the newborn King. The angels informed Mary and Joseph well ahead of time so they could prepare for what lied ahead of them. Today we must take the time to prepare our hearts our minds to lose sight of Christ.
At Christmas, we celebrate the first coming of Christ. It was this newborn baby lying in a manger that came to this world as a lamb. Although he is the King of Kings he walked this earth, breathed the air and lived as we do now. Everywhere he went he brought peace to those who sought Him for those who rejected him they found no peace. We are now waiting for the second coming of Christ when He returns as the lion and will bring the first and final peace this world has ever known to all the nations. Be like the wise men and prepare your hearts and seek Him now..
All the children have continued to make me proud, but these are the children we are celebrating this week…..
Golden Award - Alexander for sewing a superb whale in his Design work this week.
Writing Award - Ellenie for a detailed and beautifully laid out piece of Geography work on London.
Maths Award - Willow for trying very hard to use a number line to support her addition work.
This week we have been learning…..
English - we have continued with our repeating pattern and poetry work, looking at rhyming words and how rhyming words can have the same sounds but different spellings. This has supported our phonics work too. We have even had a g at writing our own verses, replacing rhyming couplets - rather tricky! In Phonics this week we have looked at ‘aw’ yawn at dawn and ‘oi’ spoil the boy.
Maths - we have continued to focus on addition and learning our number bonds to 10. We have used these skills to help us with solving addition word problems and even using pictures to write our own problems! We have used our number lines to help us with addition and have started to look at subtraction too.
RE - this week we have focused on how we can prepare ourselves to meet Jesus at Christmas. We have talked about the need to share, to be kind, to think of others and to do good things to help. Each day we have turned round one of our Advent promises and we all try to meet that challenge during the day.
Science - this week we looked at Animal babies, what they look like and what they are called.
Geography - this week we focused on London as the capital city of the United Kingdom and England. We looked at the major landmarks of the city and the River Thames.
Art and Design - this week Mrs Veasey has continued with her sewing with two more groups completing their Under the Sea creature. I think you will agree that they look amazing! The rest of us made an Under the Sea picture through paper cutting and a chalk picture too - that was a bit messy - as you can imagine!!
Work to do at Home - please follow the link to see our Year 1 expectations for what the children should be doing at home.
SELF ISOLATING/HOME LEARNING - if your child is having to self isolate because either they or someone in your household is showing ANY symptoms of Covid 19, then please follow the following link to the NEW Home Learning page. From now on, this is where the work for the week will be posted. Please post photos of your child’s work into the Portfolio section of Class Dojo. It is only by working together to keep each other safe that we will manage to keep Year 1 and our school open. Please keep everyone safe by keeping your child at home if anyone in your household is showing symptoms: is awaiting a test or is waiting for test results. Many thanks.
Other things to mention…
Please sign your child’s reading record each time they read so that they can collect stickers on their bookmark. We ask that children read at home a minimum of three times a week.
PE - Monday and Friday. We now have Music on a Wednesday with our new music teacher Miss Benson. Children CANNOT wear earrings for PE.
Don’t forget your child’s school water bottle each day - thanks!
Please do not send your child into school if they are unwell or showing any signs of Covid 19 - we need to work together to keep each other safe. Many thanks for this.
CHRISTMAS CARDS - it maybe a little early to mention Christmas cards - but this year more than ever it is important to note that children MUST NOT BRING CHRISTMAS CARDS INTO CLASS TO GIVE OUT TO THEIR FRIENDS/CLASSMATES.. We will not permit these to be given out due to the current situation, nor will staff give them out. If you wish, your child can bring in ONE CARD for the whole class. Many thanks.
CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY FRIDAY 11TH DECEMBER - we would like to invite the children to wear their Christmas jumper for the day to school - over their usual school uniform. We ask that this is a JUMPER and not a DRESS or SUIT or ONESIE. Year 1 will still have PE as it is a Friday. Many thanks. We are not asking for any donations for this for school, although you have been sent informtion by email about how you can donate to Brian House through your Parent Pay account. If you can, please consider donating to this very worthy charity. Many thanks. PLEASE DO NOT SEND MONET INTO SCHOOL FOR THIS - YOU CAN ONLY DONATE THROUGH PARENT PAY - MANY THANKS.
YEAR 1’S CHRISTMAS PREPARATIONS. Obviously, we cannot prepare for Christmas in the usual way this year with Nativities and Carol Services, but that does not mean that we are not marking the festive season in school. This year, Year 1 are going to learn ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’ to fit in with our poetry theme in English. I have cut the poem into two-line sections, so each child has just TWO LINES TO LEARN. I would like the children to learn their lines so that they know them by heart. We will practice in class, but I do ask for your help at home with learning these two lines. I will then film the children on Friday 11th December, Christmas Jumper Day, so that the children all look nice and festive! The video, along with videos from the rest of the school with their festive offerings, will then be put on the website at the beginning of the last week of term. Many thanks for your help and support with this.
Many thanks for your help with this - lots of the children really know their lines already. Please can I ask you all to have a good practice this weekend - we can then work on delivery next week so that we are performance ready by Friday!! If your child had lost their lines - don’t worry - I had added the whole poem to the bottom of this blog. Just find your child’s name and their lines are under that. Thanks so much.
And finally……..have a lovely, peace-filled weekend and thank-you for your continued support. - it really is very much appreciated.
Take a look at our amazing art gallery!