For Year 1 this week has been all about Mary. We are learning abut how special Mary is in our RE lessons through our work on the Annuniciation and we are learning to say the Hail Mary prayer. At this difficult time we have been offering our prayers for all those who need Our Lady’s help and support. Year 1 continue to amazing me with their ability to think of other people before themselves.
All of Year 1 continue to work very hard, but this week we are celebrating……
Golden Award - Matilda for making a beautiful sea turtle and for working hard all week in all subjects.
Writing Award - Nevaeh for a super re-write of The Smartest Giant in Town, using interesting vocabulary.
Maths Award - Sara for great work using a number line and using the comparison signs in calculations
This week we have been learning…
English - we have continued to work on the story ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’ and this week the children have been writing their own versions of the story. I have been really impressed with the language they have used from the story, their use of fingers spaces, capital letters and full stops - all of which we have been focusing on in our writing. In Phonics we have been working on all the set 2 sounds, this week focusing on ‘ir’ whirl and twirl and ‘ou’ shout it out.
Maths - this week we have been working on addition and using our number lines to support our work. We are also learning our number bonds to 10 and applying them to our mental Maths work. We are also been using the comparison signs to compare two calculations to see which total is the greatest or smallest.
RE - this week we have written about how Mary felt when the Angel Gabriel came to visit her with the news that she was to be the Mother of God and we have continued our work on learning the say the Hail Mary prayer. This part of our work is going really well.
Science - this week we have continued our work on grouping animals, this week looking at the observable differences between animals, as well as where they live.
Topic - we have investigated the North Sea and the creatures that live there. Through our video we discovered that star fish, grey seals, cat sharks, lobsters and over 230 types of fish call the North Sea home. The children have made some super posters.
Design - this week the children continued with their sewing with Mrs Veasey and then in class with me and Miss Collins we have made jelly fish and sea turtles through painting, cut and sticking. What a wonderful afternoon we had!
Work to do at Home - please follow the link to see our Year 1 expectations for what the children should be doing at home.
SELF ISOLATING/HOME LEARNING - if your child is having to self isolate because either they or someone in your household is showing ANY symptoms of Covid 19, then please follow the following link to the NEW Home Learning page. From now on, this is where the work for the week will be posted. Please post photos of your child’s work into the Portfolio section of Class Dojo. It is only by working together to keep each other safe that we will manage to keep Year 1 and our school open. Please keep everyone safe by keeping your child at home if anyone in your household is showing symptoms: is awaiting a test or is waiting for test results. Many thanks.
Other things to mention…
Please sign your child’s reading record each time they read so that they can collect stickers on their bookmark. We ask that children read at home a minimum of three times a week.
PE - Monday and Friday. We now have Music on a Wednesday with our new music teacher Miss Benson. Children CANNOT wear earrings for PE.
Don’t forget your child’s school water bottle each day - thanks!
Please do not send your child into school if they are unwell or showing any signs of Covid 19 - we need to work together to keep each other safe. Many thanks for this.
CHRISTMAS CARDS - it maybe a little early to mention Christmas cards - but this year more than ever it is important to note that children MUST NOT BRING CHRISTMAS CARDS INTO CLASS TO GIVE OUT TO THEIR FRIENDS/CLASSMATES.. We will not permit these to be given out due to the current situation, nor will staff give them out. If you wish, your child can bring in ONE CARD for the whole class. Many thanks.
FRIDAY 27TH NOVEMBER - Silly Socks Day orgainised by the PTFA. Wear your silliest socks for the day - girls, you can wear silly tights, or your socks over your tights for extra warmth! That’s what I will do! Please can we ask that the children bring in a donation of £1 in a named sealed envelope so no-one has to touch the money when it comes into school. Many thanks.
CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY FRIDAY 11TH DECEMBER - we would like to invite the children to wear their Christmas jumper for the day to school - over their usual school uniform. We ask that this is a JUMPER and not a DRESS or SUIT or ONESIE. Many thanks. We are not asking for any donations for this.
And finally……..have a lovely weekend and thank-you for your continued support. - it really is very much appreciated. Stay safe……..Mrs Hollinghurst, Mrs Veasey and Miss Collins