If your child is isolating from school due to Covid 19 but they are well enough to work, here is their work for the week ahead.
English - this story unit is called Anansi and Tiger and covers two weeks of work. Just start from Lesson 1 when your child has to isolate. The unit covers listening and responding to a story, retelling a story, using the conjunction ‘and’ to join clauses in a sentence, boxing up the main details/points in a story, making a story plan and goes on the get the children to do their own story writing. Just follow the link…
Unit - Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)
Maths - this two week unit is all about Addition and Subtraction within 20 which we will be covering this half term. The unit is a set of 10 lessons and covers using a number line effectively, using the making ten strategy and using practical strategies for subtraction.
These are our afternoon subjects - I have added in the days that we do this subject, so you can organise yourself in the same manner - but feel free to organise your afternoons how best suits you!
MONDAY RE - this half term is all about the Resurrection of Jesus, how the disciples felt about Jesus’ return the them, lending us through to the Ascension and then finally Pentecost.
The Resurrection and the story of Doubting Thomas will be covered in the first two weeks of term, the Ascension is celebrated on Thursday 26th may and the Pentecost 5th June. These power points can be covered in that order and then please ask your child to write a few sentences about what has happened, how the disciples felt about what they had witnessed and what it means for us now as followers of Jesus.
Easter Story Power point Doubting Thomas Power Point Ascension Power Point Pentecost Power Point
TUESDAY -Science - this unit is all about plants and what they need in order to grow well. The unit covers the growing and life cycle of a bean plant. In class we are focusing on sunflowers and potatoes, but the principle is obviously the same. Simply follow the link below.
WEDNESDAY - Art - This half term we will focus on drawing. We will think about what it means to be 'good' at drawing. We will experiment with mark making in our sketch book and use a variety of media; pencils, crayons, pastels, felt tips and chalk to begin to explore the different outcomes these tools create. We will be thinking all about how colours can make us feel. We will begin to learn about the properties of colour and how to select colours for our art to express an emotion. As we only have Art once a week, please feel free to pick the session that most interests your child.
Unit - Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)
Thursday -Topic - Geography focus on the United Kingdom and London as the capital city. The unit focuses on the History of London and how people move around the city - Lesson 5 landmarks will be off most relevance to Year 1. Just follow the link below.
Friday - PSHE This half term we will explore a new topic of friendships. We will discuss the qualities of a good friend and also how our actions can impact others. We will then think about acts of kindness that we can do for others. We will look at a range of scenarios that commonly occur amongst friends and discuss whether they are fair or unfair. We will then consider how we can act fairly to everyone and not just our close friends.
Unit - Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)
DAILY PHONICS -Also, use homework page on class blog for Phase 3 phonics, handwriting and Oxford Owl site. http://www.ourladyassumption-sch.co.uk/yr1-homework
https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/ This site is also excellent for free ebooks at your child’s level
BBC Bitesize is super for Phonics support and KS1 activities in general. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/z3g4d2p Also see https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk for phonics support. I have also added an image of the RWI phonics and rhymes that we use in class. Please try and practice these each day.
RWI Phonics We are currently working on Set 2/3 sounds
Phonics Phase 3 Game https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/tg-ga-157-level-3-phonics-game-show
Phonics Phase 4 Games https://www.twinkl.co.uk/go/resource/tg-ga-158-level-4-phonics-game-show
Please send all work through the PORTFOLIO section of Class Dojo - any problems, just let me know by Year 1 email - year1@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk
Many thanks……Mrs Hollinghurst