If your child is isolating from school due to Covid 19 and they are well enough to work, here is their work for the week ahead.

English - this story unit is called The Magic Paintbrush and covers two weeks of work. Just start from lesson 1 when your child has to isolate. The unit covers listening and responding to a story, retelling a story, using ‘ed’ for the past tense, boxing up the main details/points in a story, amking a story plan and goes on the get the children to do their own story writing. https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/the-magic-paintbrush-mood-1d98

Maths - this two week unit is all aboout numbers to 10 and covers the areas we will be doing in class. The unit covers numbers to 10, 20, number bonds, doubling and representing numbers to 10 and then 20. It using tens frames, which the children are familiar with in class. To help counting you can use counters, if you have them or pieces of pasta! Anything will do. Just follow the unit from the beginning when your child starts their isolation. https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/numbers-to-10-526c

These are our after subjects - I have added in the days that we do this subject, so you can organise yourself in the same manner - but feel free to organise your afternoons how best suits you!

MONDAY RE - this half term is all about Creation and the story from the Bible. I have added a power point of the story for you to read through with your child and then choose ONE of the key questions to answer. If you can print off the sheet and do it on that then great, if not just do on a piece of paper you have at home and draw your won picture! If you have time, why not do another key question!

Power Point Key Questions

TUESDAY -Science - this unit is all about the Animal Kigdom and how animals can be separated into different groups, depending on their characters. This unit is a six week unit, meaning one lesson per week and can be started from lesson 1 when your child has to isolate. We have science once a week, on Tuesday, so just need to do one of these lessons! https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/the-animal-kingdom-3cfa

WEDNESDAY - PSHE - this unit for the half term is all about Happy Families and the people who are special to us. This ties together all our work in RE and our Topic - all about us and the people we love. This is a four week unit, so just pick the first lesson to get started - you may even like to do another one as they are only short! https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/happy-families-3335

THURSDAY - Art - This half term we are going to focus on how a series of different artists use colour in their work to portray what they see and their feelings towards their study. Our unit is called Colour Chaos. In this unit we will examine the work of Mondrian, Klee, Delaunary, Kandinsky and Pollack and look at how they used colour, space and shape to create their works of art.

Today’s lesson we focus on how Mark Rothko used colour mixing to produce his abstract work. I would like the children to experiment with this style and colours to create their own ’colour mixing’ work in the style of Rothko. The children will need some paints, a brush, water pot, paper and something to mix their paint colours in. There is an activity sheet for this lesson for those children who may find planning on their own picture a bit tricky - I have added it, but I would rather see the children’s own creations. Have fun and Mrs V and I look forward to seeing the results!

Power point Fact Sheet about Rothko Activity - supporting colour mixing

FRIDAY - Topic - this unit of work ties in with our own Family History unit and thinks about how life has changed within living memory and how toys, food and music have changed. The best TWO lessons for Year 1 to look at are LESSONS 3 and 4 about toys - so if you are off, go to these two lessons! Just need to do one per week as we do History once a week. https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/how-have-peoples-lives-changed-in-living-memory-e32c

DAILY PHONICS -Also, use homework page on class blog for Phase 3 phonics, handwriting and Oxford Owl site.  http://www.ourladyassumption-sch.co.uk/yr1-homework

https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/ This site is also excellent for free ebooks at your child’s level

BBC Bitesize is super for Phonics support and KS1 activities in general. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/z3g4d2p Also see https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk for phonics support. I have also added an image of the RWI phonics and rhymes that we use in class. Please try and practice these each day.

RWI Phonics We are currently working on Set 2 sounds

Phonics Phase 3 Game https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/tg-ga-157-level-3-phonics-game-show

Phonics Phase 4 Games https://www.twinkl.co.uk/go/resource/tg-ga-158-level-4-phonics-game-show

Please send all work through the PORTFOLIO section of Class Dojo - any problems, just let me know by Year 1 email - year1@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk

Many thanks……Mrs Hollinghurst

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst