If your child is self isolating this week, here is their work for the week ahead….

Maths - This week we will focus on numbers up to 50. This unit will develop the children’s knowledge of the numbers between 20 and 50. They will be able to count forwards and backwards to 50 and identify missing numbers in a sequence. This unit contains a focus on counting in 10’s and as there is no activity for Monday - I have added activities based on counting in 10’s.

Number line 0-50


Monday - Maths

Tuesday - Maths

Wednesday - Maths

Thursday - Maths

Friday - Maths

For English, I have added an online unit based on listening to a story and writing about it - I have added this site because it has videos of the story and clear instructions as to what to do. Thought it would be straightforward for you all. Please follow the link below which will lead you to the story unit Honey and Trouble. This is a story unit which will focus on listening to a story, retelling the story and has a big focus on adjectives to help with the children’s own writing. This will take you to a ten lesson plan - this will see you through two weeks of home learning. Enjoy!! This unit has a focus on adjectives and character description.


Please take a look at Education City - password in the front of the children’s reading records - I will ensure that your child has work that they can access on this site.


Also, use homework page on class blog for Phase 3 phonics, handwriting and Oxford Owl site.  http://www.ourladyassumption-sch.co.uk/yr1-homework

Phonics Focus for this week, we are having a bit of a re-cap over previously taught sounds - ‘ir’ whirl and twirl and ‘igh’ fly high - BBC Bitesize is super for Phonics support and KS1 activities in general. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/z3g4d2p Also see https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk for phonics support. I have also added an image of the RWI phonics and rhymes that we use in class. Please try and practice these each day.

ir Quick Read ir wordsearch - just choose one ir phoneme spotter ir Read and Write - just choose one

igh Phoneme Spotter igh Sound Sorter igh Read and Roll

RWI Phonics

Phonics Phase 3 Game https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/tg-ga-157-level-3-phonics-game-show

Phonics Phase 4 Games https://www.twinkl.co.uk/go/resource/tg-ga-158-level-4-phonics-game-show

Phonics Video Link - Set 2 and 3 sounds - the children may find listening to the little video helpful and they can join in too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR0BV1zaFDM

READING - Please use the Oxford Owl site for a wealth of free ebooks appropriate for Year 1. Please continue to read each day - books from this site and your child’s own books from home. You can continue to keep a record of daily reading in your child’s reading record. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/

Please DO NOT bring in the children’s work to school - but do post pictures into the PORTFOLIO section of Class Dojo.

Try to do three hours of school work - 30 minutes of Phonics and Reading, 45 minutes of English and handwriting practice, 45 minutes of Maths including Mental Maths (we are working on doubling and halving within 10, adding one more or one less to a number under 30 in class) and an hour of Topic based work in the afternoon. Just try your best - that is all I ask - I know it is very hard when you are working at home too.

The handwriting format, the common exception words for Year 1 and the Phase Three phonics chart are on the Homework page of this site. Please see the following page. https://www.ourladyassumption-sch.co.uk/yr1-homework/2020/11/13/autumn-term-expectations

Monday - RE today we will start our new topic all about Following Jesus. Today we will hear about the miraculous story of how Peter and the fishermen caught some many fish when Jesus sent them back out, despite having not caught any fish all night. Watch the video of the story by following this You Tube link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOXAFga0RkM

Once you have watched the video - have a go at re-telling the story in your own words. Activity Sheet

Power Point Friendship Activity

Tuesday - Science we will be continuing with our topic on Seasonal Change. In today’s lesson we will ask How can you measure rainfall? Lesson 4

In this lesson, we are going to be answering the question, how can you measure rainfall? We will be finding out what a liquid is and observing some examples. We will then be moving on to making our own rain gauge to measure the amount of rainfall we have during 1 week.


Wednesday - History today we will continue with our unit on Toys and how live has changed within living memory. Today we will examine the similarities and differences of early 20th century toys and our toys today and ask how and why toys have changed over time. Power Point Activity Activity Photos

Thursday - Art today we will continue with out Colous Chaos unit, this week with a focus on the work of Paul Klee and how to mix colour tints. Power Point Information Sheet on Klee Activity Sheet

Friday - there are no added activities for Friday as we all finish school at 1.15pm today!

If you need a task for Friday afternoon….please use these Oddizzi Geography activities, this week the focus is Africa. Enjoy! Oddizzi Resources



Have a good week and I look forward to seeing your work…..Mrs Hollinghurst

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst