Good morning everyone and welcome to Week 4 of Home Learning. Here is your work for the week ahead….

Maths - This week we have a change of topic to Numbers and Place Value with numbers up to 20. We have been working on numbers up to 40 in our Mental Maths work, so the children are familiar with the tens and ones and how to make up a number over 10. It is important that the children refer to the parts of the number as tens and ones (not tens and units) and that they see that numbers above ten are made up of TWO PARTS - TENS and ONES so that the number 17 is made up of 1 ten and 7 ones NOT a 1 and a 7 — these are the digits that mean we can write the number down and not the VALUE of the numbers. We have worked on finding one more and one less than a number above 10 for some time in Mental Maths and our daily starters, so hopefully the children will be used to this.

This week it is also going to important for the children to write the words for the numbers, as well as the digits, and spell these correctly. With this in mind I have added a mat with the numbers and the words on them, as well as a couple of activities that can used to support the correct spelling of these words. Obviously you do not have to use these formats, but please do get the children to practice the spelling of the words from eleven to twenty. (We have worked on 0-10 in class, but they could always do with extra practice!)

Number Mat 0-20

Guess My Number Power Point

Number Matching 11-20 (sorry there are lots of these, just print the ones you want!)

The videos will support the children in their new learning and I have added a counting game to support the children’s Mental Maths in numbers above 20 this week.

In terms of Mental Maths please keep up with adding and subtracting numbers to 10 to make number bonds, ask your child what do I need to make 10 if I start at 6? You may find this website useful - it has some lovely Maths games for KS1

Maths - Monday

Maths - Tuesday

Maths - Wednesday

Maths - Thursday Tens and Ones Activity 1 Tens and Ones Activity 2

Maths - Friday

I have added a Number Bonds to 20 Power Point to support this unit - you may find the slides helpful as quick fire questions to support mental Maths for this week. Hopefully the children will recognise what is the same and what is different about the numbers as they compare these number bonds with the number bonds to 20. Number Bonds to 20 Power Point

SumDog Maths - I have also set all the children up with a SumDog login - an online learning platform. I have texted the children’s individual login details - I thought it would just be another activity to keep the children’s Mental Maths skills going! The school login code is ola We do have limited free access - but I thought it may appeal to some of the children.

For English - We are going to continue with Week 2 of the information unit on Tigers. Please follow the link below and it will take you straight to the two week unit on INFORMATION ABOUT TIGERS. Please start this week at LESSON 6.

Thought this unit the children will have the opportunity to listen and respond to information texts, re-tell information from memory, learn how to pull out key facts and examine nouns and how to make a singular noun into a plural noun. By the end of the week the children will build up to writing their own information texts about Tigers. I would love to see any extra work the children manage to do on tigers - and maybe even some tiger drawings! I hope you continue to enjoy the unit - I loved seeing all your work on Information about Tigers last week.

Please take a look at Education City - password in the front of the children’s reading records - I will ensure that your child has work that they can access on this site. If your child hasn’t got their password because it was in the old reading record - just get in touch on dojo and I will send it to you.

Also, use homework page on class blog for Phase 3 phonics, handwriting and Oxford Owl site.

Phonics Focus for this week - ‘u-e’ huge brute and ‘ure’ sure it’s pure - BBC Bitesize is super for Phonics support and KS1 activities in general. Also see for phonics support. I have also added an image of the RWI phonics and rhymes that we use in class. Please try and practice these each day.

u-e phoneme spotter u-e activity u-e quick read power point

ure phoneme spotter ure activity

RWI Phonics

Phonics Phase 3 Game

Phonics Phase 4 Games

Phonics Video Link - Set 2 and 3 sounds - the children may find listening to the little video helpful and they can join in too!

READING - Please use the Oxford Owl site for a wealth of free ebooks appropriate for Year 1. Please continue to read each day - books from this site and your child’s own books from home. You can continue to keep a record of daily reading in your child’s reading record.

You may find these resources helpful to support reading at home - one of the posters added ahs lots of reading sites that you may find useful to support home reading. The sites are all free - you may just need to register. Reading Home Links Tips for supporting reading at home

Please DO NOT bring in the children’s work to school - but do post pictures into the PORTFOLIO section of Class Dojo. It is now a Government expectation that parents send in their child’s work so that their teacher can see what they are doing at home - many, many thanks for the time you are taking to send me your child’s work.

Try to do 3 hours of school work - 30 minutes of Phonics and Reading, 45 minutes of English and handwriting practice, 45 minutes of Maths including Mental Maths (we are working on doubling and halving within 10, adding one more or one less to a number under 30 in class) and an hour of Topic based work in the afternoon. Just try your best - that is all I ask - I know it is very hard when you are working at home too.

The handwriting format, the common exception words for Year 1 and the Phase Three phonics chart are on the Homework page of this site. Please see the following page.

Monday - RE Families and Celebrations.

This topic is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of what it means to belong to the family called the Church. There are opportunities at this point to explore the celebration of Baptism. It introduces the topic by exploring what it means to belong to a family and the school community. The topic also gives opportunities for the children to know that God is our Father in heaven and about special celebrations that take place in Church. The children will learn about the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple and that the title ‘Jesus, light of the world’ comes from this story.

Today we are thinking about the Signs and Symbols of Baptism. In today’s lesson I would like the children to look at the Power Point and the photographs and the describe what they see - what are the signs and symbols that we associate with Baptism. Once they have looked at them and maybe had a look at their own Baptism candle, or gown, I would like the children to draw and label the signs and symbols of Baptism. Power Point Photo Pack (just look at these, no need to print them) Word Mat to help with labels Activity Sheet

Tuesday - Science we will be continuing with our topic all about Materials - how they feel, what they look like, how we can describe them and importantly, what it each object made of. Today we will look at ‘Which materials float and sink?’ I have added a video unit on Materials that you can follow lesson by lesson, please go to LESSON 4 today - watch the video and follow the activities. If you wish to join in with today’s experiment you will need a coin, some cotton wool balls, stones and a bowl of water.

Extra Science Worksheet 1 Cut and Stick Activity Make a paper boat (if printing only print pg 1&2 - there are loads of pages!!)

Wednesday - Geography today we will continue with our topic all about the oceans and seas - today focusing on ‘How deep is the ocean?’ Follow the link and watch LESSON 4 - WHY ARE OUR OCEANS IMPORTANT?

There is quite a bit of work to do in this lesson making a booklet about the reasons why are oceans are so important. the children have a writing and a drawing activity. I have added an extra task below to cut and stick a creatures into the correct habitat (either ocean or woodland) and a spot and colour sea creatures sheets, but these are just an added extras if you need it, the work set in the lesson is enough for today. Your child will need a piece of plain paper for this activity to fold to to make the booklet for the lesson - you may want to draw some lines on the left hand side, inside the booklet, to support their writing.

Extra Activity 1 Extra Activity 2

RE - we will continue with our work on the Signs and Symbols of Baptism. On Monday the children drew and labelled the signs and symbols and today I would like them to describe what those symbols are and what they represent - so the Holy water symbolises the washing away of sin. Please refer back to Monday’s power point to recap the symbols and what they mean. Activity Sheet (two parts to this - the second sheet has the ‘answers’ attached for parents just in case anything is unclear)

This link will take you to a number of videos showing a Baptism, which will be every useful if your child has never been to a Baptism.

Thursday - Art I found it a bit tricky adding something to the website regarding our new topic of drawing, as in class Mrs Veasey teaches the children all about types of line and techniques for drawing - lots of things I found were too advanced for Year 1. Anyway, I have found a little series of power points that over the course of the half term will teach the children drawing skills and includes an Artist Study - which would always do in class -focusing on Picasso.

Today’s lesson continues with our Picasso artist study and is all about examining Picasso’s Realistic and Abstract portraits, looking for similarities and differences between the two. The children will then have a go at creating an abstract portrait in line with Picasso’s artistic style. I have added an activity sheet (you need both parts) if you are able to print off at home - if now - just use it as a guide and have a go yourself! Mrs V and I will look forward to seeing the results.

Power point Activity Sheet Activity Sheet 2

Friday - there are no added activities for Friday as we all finish school at 1.15pm today! But if you need some Friday afternoon activities, try some of these…..

Extra Activities/Sites to use - just in case you need activities for the Friday afternoon or have any extra time in the afternoons.

Oddizzi - This week’s focus is the Atlantic Ocean! so fits in perfectly with our Geography unit! This is an added extra - if you fancy a bit of extra Geography work - the units are great for Year 1 and all the activities are there for you to either print out if you an, or do from the screen onto paper if not. Take a look and see what you think - send me some examples of the children’s work if you have ago at the activities. This could be a perfect Friday afternoon activity if you need the children to be working whilst you are! Oddizzi - World Explorers Week 3

Twinkl - to support parents with Home Learning, Twinkl, have produced a range of lessons and activities that you may find useful as added extra’s. Each week they will add new content and it is all free! Check it out and see if you what you think. These are extra’s and not part of my expectations for the week - but sometimes it is good to have a choice of activities and know which sites are worth looking at. These are resources that are used to support learning in school so certainly worth a look.

BBC Bitesize - always worth a look for activities to support all subjects - particularly phonics. This link takes you straight to the KS 1 pages. There are super English, Maths, Science, Geography, History activities here - great place to look as suitable for KS1 children and always in line with what we do in class.

Music - I have sent you all a personal login for your your child to a Music site set up by Miss Benson, our Music teacher, which will have new content added to it each week. Now your child can enjoy their music lessons at home too! New content will be added by Miss Benson each FRIDAY (not Wednesday as she had done previously)

Instructions for Lesson 3 from Miss Benson This week I want you to listen to “Round and Round” again. This song is in a latin style of music. Do you like it? Click on ‘song lyrics’ and see if you can sing along to it. Can you make up some dance moves to the song?

Your next task is a tricky one. Click on ‘warm-up games’ and choose Challenge 2. The follow the instructions to move to the pulse, clap back rhythms and even sing some phrases!

Good luck!

PE - it is important for the children to keep active during lockdown - not quite as easy now that it is so cold outside! Children should be getting at least an hour of exercise each day - so with that in mind, don’t forget that Joe Wicks starts his ‘PE with Joe’ sessions again this week— starting Monday, with a new session on a Wednesday and Friday each week. I certainly loved these sessions last time and will be joining in! Hope you enjoy these sessions, and try to get out for a walk each day if you can.

RE - to support the children in their religious education, don’t forget to check out Fr Jim’s website. Fr Jim posts all the Masses here and the Children’s Liturgy activities are lovely.

Health and wellbeing Resources - I know this is a tricky time for us all - the children included - so I though I would add this little pack of activities to help remind them that they are all wonderful an amazing people. I particularly like the balloons activity about the things that the children all really great at and the positivity jar - we made one of these at home during the lockdown and it really focuses the mind on all that is good in the world. Take a look and use what you like and think will work with your child. Resource pack

Support for Parents - this information pack has a few useful links to support reading - I added the ones I thought most relevant to Year 1 under the reading heading - but the video at the bottom and the checklist for the day may be useful if you are finding it difficult to get into a good routine for Home Learning. The video can be accessed through the link and is suitable for KS 1 children. take a look if you think you would find it useful. Support for parents during Cnvid-19 Lockdown


Have a good week and I look forward to seeing your work. Please make sure you have sent examples of the children’s work to me by 12pm on a Friday - or you can post each day if that is easier for you! (That actually really helps me to keep on top of it!) I know many of you are setting our own routines for completing school work which fit around your own work commitments, and that is completely understandable, all I ask is that you are in touch and send me the children’s work AT LEASET ONCE A WEEK. Many, many thanks. I can’t express my grateful thanks for all you are doing - you are all wonderful! Mrs Hollinghurst

Year 1 - be good, work hard and stay safe……Mrs Hollinghurst, Mrs Veasey and Miss Collins

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst