If your child is self isolating this week, here is their work for the week ahead….

Maths - This week we will continue with our work on addition and subtraction using a number line and the part part whole model to support our learning. We have focused on counting backwards and forwards in our mental maths work for some time now, so this week we will put the subtraction work into practice. We will begin by asking ’how many are left?’, then introduce the subtraction symbol and then look at wrting fact families linked with the part part whole model. The videos will support the children with their learning - but this week we are looking at if we know that 4+2=6 then we also know that 6-4=2 and 6-2=4. We will also explore that addition can be doe in any order, but subtraction CANNOT - we must start with the WHOLE number.

If you could make a part part whole diagram at home to support the children’s learning, that would be great. Just drawn on a piece of paper and buttons will do as counters, or pieces of pasta! The videos will support the children’s learning. If you can print things out, then use the example given here. Part Part Whole Model 0-20 Number Line


Monday - Maths

Tuesday - Maths

Wednesday - Maths

Thursday - Maths

Friday - Maths

For English, I have added an online unit based on listening to a story and writing about it - I have added this site because it has videos of the story and clear instructions as to what to do. Thought it would be straightforward for you all. Please follow the link below and then click on the ANANSI AND TIGER box (it is around the middle of the page) - this will take you to a ten lesson plan - this will see you through two weeks of home learning. Enjoy!! This unit has a focus on adjectives and character description.


Please take a look at Education City - password in the front of the children’s reading records - I will ensure that your child has work that they can access on this site.


Also, use homework page on class blog for Phase 3 phonics, handwriting and Oxford Owl site.  http://www.ourladyassumption-sch.co.uk/yr1-homework

Phonics Focus for this week - ‘ow’ blow the snow and ‘a-e’ make a cake BBC Bitesize is super for Phonics support and KS1 activities in general. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/z3g4d2p Also see oxfordowl.co.uk for phonics support

Please DO NOT bring in the children’s work to school - but do post pictures into the PORTFOLIO section of Class Dojo.

Try to do three hours of school work - 30 minutes of Phonics and Reading, 45 minutes of English and handwriting practice, 45 minutes of Maths including Mental Maths (we are working on doubling and halving within 10, adding one more or one less to a number under 30 in class) and an hour of Topic based work in the afternoon. Just try your best - that is all I ask - I know it is very hard when you are working at home too.

The handwriting format, the common exception words for Year 1 and the Phase Three phonics chart are on the Homework page of this site. Please see the following page. https://www.ourladyassumption-sch.co.uk/yr1-homework/2020/11/13/autumn-term-expectations

Monday - this week we will look at the signs and symbols of Advent for catholics and why Catholics do ceratin things at this time of year. We will begin with the Advent wreath and the meaning behind each of the elements. We will then have a go at making our own wreath. If you can print out the template, great, if not, have a go at making your own. Power point Activity

Tuesday - we are continuing in the afternoon with our Science topic all about Animals - today we will focus on how animals use their senses to find food. Take a look at these super videos and have a go at making some notes about how the owl uses their ears to locate food, how animals uses their eye sight in the snow and snakes use their sense of smell to capture their prey. https://www.bbcnordic.com/shows/animal-super-senses#_ Activity

Wednesday - we will continue with our work on the UK - this week focusing on the features of Edinburgh. We will look at the presentation and use the picture cards to make up a poster of Edinburgh - and then answer the following questions. 1. What are the key features of Edinburgh? Whereabouts in the UK is Edinburgh? What is the same/different about Edinburgh and London? Power point Photos Scotland Power point

Thursday - we will be continuing with our sewing this week. If your child misses out on doing this in class this week, they will get chance to do it when they return, so don’t worry! The rest of us are going to do make our Christmas cards today. If you are not in school today, you will make your card when you return, but you could have a go at making at card at home with the Nativity scene as your focus.


Friday - no afternoon activity as we finish school at 1.15pm!

PLEASE POST PHOTOGRAPHS OF YOUR CHILD’S WORK INTO THE PORTFOLIO SECTION OF CLASS DOJO. Any problems, just let me know through email or Class Dojo. Many thanks and have a great week working at home….Mrs Hollinghurst

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst