This week our focus has been on the Feast of the Ascension, which we celebrated yesterday with a Mass at church. We have been talking a lot these last few weeks about Jesus appearing to the disciples and preparing them for the task ahead. Now that task is upon them - as it is us. We are now the vessel through which word of God will flow - and what a wonderful job the children are doing!

Our theme this week has been about our planet - Earth. We have spoken in depth about what makes our world so special and how we can look after it. We have spoken about this on many other occasions when we have been discussing that God made our world and therefore we should look after it. We have also spoken about Earth’s position in our solar system and why we can live on it (and not other planets).

Our Learning this week

Our theme this week has been Earth.

Phonics - now that we know all of our Phase 1 sounds we have started our daily reading groups with the children depending on their phonetic ability. The children have adapted to this change so well. These groups will continue for the rest of the year - each term the children will be reassessed and they may move groups. We are also now focusing daily on our tricky words.

Maths - we have been looking at comparison this week, using language like more than and less than.

R..E - we have been learning about the Ascension.

UTW - we have learnt about our planets position in the solar system. We have learnt how we can look after our planet - for example, recycling.

EAD - the children have been making minibeasts.

P.E. - we have been practising our running, hopping and jumping skills.

PSHE - we have been learning about children who live in other countries and how their lives differ from our own. We have spoken about these differences and how we may be able to help those who need it.

Our theme next week is bees.

Award winners

Our award winners this week are:

Golden - Isabella - for being a caring member of our class who is compassionate to her peers.

Writing - Blake - for putting in lots of effort this week in his Phonics group.

Maths - Eleni - for ‘having a go’! Eleni’s confidence in Maths is growing all the time!


PTFA Design a Logo competition

The PTFA have decided to run a ‘design a logo’ competition as we have never had our own logo before!

Please see the letter that your child brought home last week that explains more. The closing date is Friday 17th May and there is a £1 donation required to enter the competition. Good Luck! (The entries can be handed into me in class.)

Catholic Life of our school

We are delighted to be able to share with you the Good News Gospel readings for families. Please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home.

Please take a look at these Ten Ten resources to support prayer and worship at home.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac, Mrs Debowska and Miss Sanderson

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac