This week we have welcomed your lovely children in to our school family. Starting school is a huge milestone in your children’s lives but they have taken it in their stride and after only three days they are already settled and forming relationships with one another. I have been so impressed with their behaviour and listening skills. They have coped so well in the heat too!
We have focused on learning the rules and boundaries expected at school as well as getting to know our class room and one another! We have also focused on routines such as toileting and tidying up. I am already looking forward to next week and spending more time with the class. We start full time from Monday - this may take some getting used to for the children but before we know it, it will be like they have always been here!
The children also met their buddies today who are in Year 5. They were very excited and I can already tell that they are going to form some very special bonds with them.
Here is some important information for you:
PE will start from the week beginning the 11th September. Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays.
All the children have been given a new school water bottle. This will come home each night to be cleaned and re-filled. Please ensure your child brings theirs each day. Lost water bottles can be replaced at the school office, but I am afraid you will have to pay for those. Reception have orange tops.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Heim-Sarac and Mrs Debowska