This week, the children attended church for the Feast of the Ascension. They were beautifully behaved and so respectful! We have spoken to the children about Jesus appearing to his Disciples and how he prepared them for the task that lay ahead. The children make us proud each day with how they strive to be Disciples of God.

Our Learning this week

Look at what we have been learning this week! Our theme in Reception was Bees:

Phonics - we have recapped our Phase 1 and Phase 2 sounds and tricky words. The children now work in groups daily with myself or Mrs Debowska to progress their reading skills. We hope you can see the progress they are making through their reading at home. Please continue to be patient and help your child to sound out the words as they work through their books at home.

Maths - this week the children have been learning how to make doubles. This has been tricky, but the children have done brilliantly!

Writing - the children are now practicing their sentence writing daily in their Phonics groups. We also have lots of mark making activities in our classroom to encourage the children to pick up a writing tool as often as possible. This week, the children were describing flowers.

Fine motor skills - the children were creating bee themed patterns in glitter.

Expressive Art & Design - the children have painted pebbles as bees or ladybirds.

Understanding the world - the children have learnt about the different types of bees, the hive and how we can protect bees.

Communication and Language - the children have been learning hymns.

Our theme next week is the four seasons.

Award winners

Each week during our school celebration assembly I will be handing out three certificates - Maths, Writing and a Golden award. Here are our winners for this week:

Maths - Esmae W

Writing - Eva

Golden - Arthur

Wednesday Word

We are delighted to be able to share with you the Good News Gospel readings for families. Please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home.

Please take a look at these Ten Ten resources to support prayer and worship at home.

Zoo trip

We are going on a trip to the zoo on the 21st June to tie in with insect week! The children (and us!) are very excited. I am looking for 2/3 parent helpers to come with us. If you can attend, please e-mail me at: Thank you! More details about the trip will follow shortly.

We hope you are having a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac, Mrs Debowska and Miss Murray

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac