Last week was our first themed week in Reception and we had a fantastic time! Our theme was pirates and the children really embraced this wholeheartedly. The children made pirate hats, eye patches, cutlasses and parrots! It brings me a lot of joy to see the children active in our provision and using our resources to the best of their ability and that’s exactly what they did!

We read lots of pirate books, our favourite being The Pirates Next Door which was our daily read. We do this each week, focusing on a themed book to repeat to the children each day for repetition and to help their comprehension skills. We also learnt a sea shanty!

On top of all the pirate excitement, we attended assembly with the rest of school on Friday for our first celebration assembly. Well done to the following children who each received certificates:

Golden Award - Sophia B

Maths - Alix

Writing - Esmae

Well done!

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac