This Sunday marks the second week of Advent. We light the candle this Sunday to represent Preparation & Peace. We believe that both are fitting for this Sunday as we draw closer to the time we celebrate Christ’s birth. The wise men in the bible knew the scripture and took the necessary efforts to prepare and set out on their journey to worship the newborn King. The angels informed Mary and Joseph well ahead of time so they could prepare for what lied ahead of them. Today we must take the time to prepare our hearts and our minds to ensure we don’t lose sight of Christ.

Our Learning

Look at what we have been learning this week! Our theme in Reception was Stickman:

Phonics - the children have learnt five new sounds this week - ‘ch’ - a-choo, ‘qu’ - queen, ‘x’ - down the arm and leg, repeat the other side, ‘ng’ - thing on a string and ‘nk’ - I think I stink.

Literacy - we have continued our Supertato talk for writing unit. The children have learnt about adjectives this week and wrote a CVC word to describe the evil pea. The children also created mini Stickman books and wrote CVC words to describe parts of the story. I am so impressed with the children’s progress since September regarding their writing skills. They can now hear a word, recognise the sounds in it and then write the sounds down. Amazing!

Maths - the children ordered the stick family from shortest to tallest.

R.E - the children have learnt about Advent this week. Father Frank also came into our class to speak to us about the importance of Advent and what it means.

Fine motor skills - this week the children created wands using sticks and wool. They had to wrap the wool around the stick and create a repeating pattern.

Super six - our guided reading book this week was Stickman.

Mark making - the children wrote CVC words in the sand with sticks.

Award winners

Each week during our school celebration assembly I will be handing out three certificates - Maths, Writing and a Golden award. Here are our winners for this week:

Maths - Eva

Writing - Noah

Golden - Freddie

Boogie Woogie Nativity

The children have been working so hard on our nativity. It is going to be a wonderful show and we can’t wait to perform it for you all. The nativity will be on the 13th December at 2pm - each child has now brought home 4 tickets for the performance. Please note, our PTA will be in attendance on the day selling raffle tickets as well as mulled wine and mince pies after the show. Please remember to bring some money for this! Thank you.

Advent Liturgies

Throughout Advent we would like to invite all children and families to join us in the school hall for a short Advent liturgy led by Father Frank. This will be held every Tuesday morning at 8:20am and will begin from Tuesday 29th November, continuing until Tuesday 20th December 2022. We do hope you can join us for this opportunity to gather as a faith community to reflect on the true value and meaning of Advent.

Wednesday Word

We are delighted to be able to share with you the Good News Gospel readings for families. Please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home.

Thank you!

Thank you very much for your donations of milk cartons. On Friday, Mrs Debowska built an igloo for the children ready for our theme this week - Winter! Brr! I am sure the children are going to love spending time in there.

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac, Mrs Debowska and Miss Murray

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac