Good Morning Reception, I have been really impressed this week. You are really getting into the swing of remote learning! Thank-you for working so hard. This week, the topic is My Family. It will just be for one week and I thought it was the perfect topic to do at home, with your family! I hope you enjoy talking and learning about your family, as well as learning about other families! You can of course do some activities that are not suggested in the lessons if you think of any. For example, I thought it would be a lovely activity to write a letter, postcard or draw a picture for someone in your family that you have not seen in a while! There is a ‘Secret Task’ for the children to do at some point this week below too.
Here is this weeks learning:
Name writing practice and number formation - Please continue to practice this daily, if you notice any letters or numbers that are not correctly formed, encourage your child to practice them in isolation a few times. Here is the RWI sounds mat. You could ask your child to practice writing 3 of the sounds they already know per day, can they write a 3 letter word that you say to them?
RWI phonics virtual lessons - Please access the daily lessons, they are extremely important to continue the children’s learning. The lessons are taught by the fantastic Read Write Inc. team, via Youtube. I recommend watching these videos throughout the day, rather than in one go. The videos will be available from 9.30am for 24 hours, then they are removed and the next lesson’s video is available.
Please click on this link to check which lessons I suggest that your child engages with daily.
If your child is finding the set 1 speed sounds too easy, please get them to watch set 2 speed sounds. And vice versa, if they are finding set 2 lessons too difficult, please get the children to use the set 1 lesson.Ditty Photocopy sheets - Please make sure the children do the writing of the hold a sentence. You say the sentence a few times so the children can remember it, show the children how to write the sentence and then cover your writing so they can have a go at writing it themselves. Click here for the five sheets for this week, one per day.
Maths - Please use the challenge sheets and complete the tasks over 2/3 days, then move onto the next teen number. I will suggest two challenge sheets per week for you to work through. Here is number fifteen and sixteen for this week.
Yoga - It is great to see the children keeping active. Please make time for a video on the Cosmic Kids yoga channel on Youtube or an alternative physical activity each day.
RE - This week follows on from the children’s learning last week about when Jesus chose his friends to help him. This week, I would like the children to be aware that Jesus wants us to help him.
Topic - My Family. Throughout the week, please work through the three remote lessons in the Circle of love on Oak National Academy. Circle of love - Oak National Academy ( There are 3 remote lessons for the children to watch. They include creating a family tree, looking at different families and love for pets where the children could create a pet toy.
Music - Mrs Benson has added new activities for the children to enjoy this week. Have a listen to the African Lullaby ‘Thula Baba.’ Did the music make you feel happy, sad, sleepy, excited, worried, like dancing, like an animal, grumpy etc. This song is a lullaby from South Africa, Thula Baba means hush little baby. What is a lullaby? Where is South Africa?
Next – carry on learning “Wind The Bobbin Up.” Use the video to help you learn the actions to the song.
Most important of all – have fun!
Design and technology - Lesson 3 on Oak National Academy - Circle of love - love for pets.
SECRET TASK!! This video is for the children in Reception. Parents and carers should avoid watching or listening to this (please still keep an eye on the children!), all will become clear when the children have completed the task. Please ensure the children have a piece of blank paper or card (A4 size would be perfect) and some coloured pens or pencils.
It is a government expectation that the children’s work is sent to teachers, thank-you for continuing to send me updates regularly. Please send the children’s work to me via tapestry or email on or before Friday 29th January. Again, send it as frequently as you like or all as one. Whatever is easiest for you.
Here are some extra suggested activities if you have the time:
Phonics play - the website full of word reading games that will support the children in their reading. You do not need to subscribe or log in, buried treasure is a firm favourite in school PhonicsPlay - Resources
Oxford owl - If you have not had a look, please take 5 minutes to look at their website. You can set up an account and gain access to lots of free eBooks for your children to read.
CBeebies Numberblocks - You will find 5 minute long episodes that are great, series 3 has episodes called eleven - fifteen and series 4 has episoder sixteen - twenty. There are maths games and much more too. Numberblocks - CBeebies - BBC