If your child is self isolating, here is the work for the week beginning Monday 23rd November:

Maths - This week we will be focusing on the number 8, aswell as counting (forwards and backwards) and recognising numbers to 10 or 20 if the children are confident to 10.

All about 8 powerpoint

Number 8 formation sheet

Number 8 home learning challenges


English - In phonics we will be learning the following sounds:

v - Down a wing, up a wing
y - Down a horn, up a horn and under his head
w - Down, up, down, up
th - The t and h together make a ‘tttthhhh’ sound and they are ‘special friends’ so when you see a t and a h together they make the ‘ttthhh’ sound.
z - zig, zag, zig

Here are example words that you could ask your child to read by ‘Fred Talking’ the sounds (saying the sounds individually first) then blending the sounds together in order to read the word.

Please recap saying all of the sounds the children have learned so far using the RWI sounds mat so far, in class, the children have done: m, a, s, d, i, n, p, g, o, c, k, u, b, f, e, l, h, r, j and special friends ‘sh’. You could ask your child to practice writing 3 of the sounds they already know per day, aswell as the one new sound you have learned that day.

Topic - Our story focus will be The Gruffalo. Please watch the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8sUPpPc8Ws&t=4s

If you haven’t already, you could make a woodland picture using leaves and twigs if you have access to a garden but do not worry if you can’t. A picture using pencil crayons would be lovely. Add The Grufffalo into your picture and perhaps some of the animals in the story.

Habitats activity - Have a think about habitats and why some animals may like to live in the wood. Can your child cut and stick the animals in their correct habitat? If you do not have glue just place the pictures in the correct habitat. If you do not have access to a printer, please draw a picture of the ocean and a wood and draw some of the animals that you would find in each of the habitats.

In RE, we are learning about the birth of Jesus this week. Please watch the nativity story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl2HVhwqnMs and discuss it with your child. They could draw a picture of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus in the stable.

Please send photos of the children’s work on tapestry or via email: reception@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk on or before Friday 27th November.

Take care,

Miss Dixon

AuthorLeanne Dixon