Parent - Teacher Meetings
Parents Day Video link is now live. Parents should now have been sent a link to book a slot with your child’s class teacher/s by text and/or email.
The system simply asks you to type in your child’s first name and this will take you to the choice of teacher you wish to book a meeting time with. You are then invited to open the meeting slots available for your child’s class teacher.
On last weeks blog (News page) there is a button which has a guide with instructions for the site if you need to look at this.
We are looking forward to being able to speak to you about how your child has settled since returning to school. Please remember that there is a time limit of 10 minutes on each of the calls, so if there is some information/issue you want to specifically discuss; it would be a good idea to email your child’s teacher using the class email to let them know if this is the case.
Flu Vaccinations
A reminder for parents that your consent forms for flu vaccinations MUST BE RETURNED by Tuesday 26th October .
A leaflet explaining the vaccination programme can be accessed by clicking the following link: Flu vaccination for children: leaflets and posters - GOV.UK (
Further information on the vaccination programme can be found on NHS Choices at: Link
As in previous years you must opt-in to the programme. Even if you decide you do not want to vaccinate your child against flu, you must please complete the consent form giving the reason. This will help the Nursing Service plan and improve the service.
This simple spray for your child is really important this year more than ever, as with more mixing, the likelihood of severe infection from flu this year is very high.
New Electronic Process
Blackpool Teaching Hospitals have enhanced the consent process by transforming a previously paper process into a streamlined electronic form accessible anywhere. Previously receiving consent for a child’s vaccine was reliant on school staff handing the paper forms out and getting them home to their parents/guardians, increasing the potential for the form being lost. Now electronic, the form can be easily and quickly completed via mobile device, tablet or computer. This will save parent/carers time and free up school staff time. Once your child has been vaccinated you will also be notified by text ensuring that you are up to date with the child’s vaccinations.
Filling out the Consent Form:
You will be required to provide your Child’s NHS number. Please click the following link if you do not know your child’s NHS number: Link
1. Please click the following link to access the online consent form: Link
2. Please quote the unique school code. The code for our school is: BP119596
If you experience any problems accessing the form, please telephone your local vaccination team on the number below and the team will be happy to help.
Blackpool, Fylde & Wyre 01253 951984
Lancaster, Morecambe, Heysham, Carnforth & over Wyre - 01524 519430
The vaccinations will be undertaken in school on Tuesday 2nd November. Please do ensure you sign your child for this important vaccination.
School Photographs
A quick reminder that your child’s photograph proof wiil be coming out on Monday (so please look in your child’s bag for this!)
The final date for return payment if you wish to purchase a photograph is Tuesday 19th October.
I hope that this lovely weather we experienced today continues; although I fear not… but, whatever you are doing, enjoy your weekend and relax!!!!!
Miss Haggerty