I can hardly believe it is half way through Autumn Term already!!! Where has the time gone? The past eight weeks have simply flown by… and what a joy it has been having everyone back together at school again! The children have all grown into their new roles and each class has been immersed in learning and exploring new concepts. Walking through school, looking at books and chatting to children, I’ve been amazed at how new challenges are being faced and past learning recalled and used as building blocks. Children are beginning to recall how they can use their mistakes to learn from and in lessons they are demonstrably employing their growth mindsets and growing in confidence each week - it is a joy to behold!
Sacramental Programme
In discussions with Father Loughran, an agreed date has been decided for Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Sacramental Preparation Programme for 2021/22. This will be for children from current Y4 (or above) Your child must have received baptism within a Catholic or Christian Church Community before preparation for the Sacrament of Communion and you should be able to provide proof of this from a baptismal certificate or giving name, date, church and name of the priest or minister who baptised your child so that records can be checked.
You can find an introductory letter HERE with further requirements and details.
There will be an initial meeting for interested parents at 6pm held in Our Lady of the Assumption Church Hall on Thursday 11th November for all parents wishing for their child to participate in the programme this academic year.
Notification of the programme and all letters will be available at Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church. Information is always available when you attend mass on either Saturday evenings at 6pm and Sunday mornings at 10.30am. Our Lady of the Assumption School supports and works together with the Parish in the Sacramental Programme.
Guides and Brownies
There are some vacancies currently for our local Brownies group and also any girls interested in joining The Guides. Girls interested in joining Brownies should be between 7 - 10 years old and for Guides, between 10 - 14 years old.
If you know of anyone who may be interested in joining the groups, they begin on Wednesday evenings starting in November. Call Mrs Duffy: 07847377581 for further details.
School Meals
Blackpool Council are introducing some delicious new menu choices after half term. We all LOVE our school dinners at Our Lady’s - they are just as popular with staff as they are with the children! Please see menu below.
Keeping each other Safe
This continues to be a challenging time for everyone. Within school we have been alerted this week to some new positive cases in our community and as always, we thank you for following the guidance, keeping us informed and erring on the side of caution. Please do book your child for a test if they have any Covid/Covid-like symptoms or at the very least undertake a lateral flow test at home - we can advise where you can get these. We would just ask that if your child has been for a PCR test, please will you remember to inform us of the result, even if negative, before sending your child back into school.
Infection rates remain high (and on the increase) in our area and alongside this, other germs are circulating. We continue to have all workspaces ventilated, have kept mixing to an absolute minimum and continue with our regular hygiene/handwashing routines; alongside this we will continue to closely monitor cases. Thank you as always for your support.
We hope that you will have a lovely, relaxing holiday week with your children. Staff have really enjoyed meeting you all virtually at our Parent - Teacher meetings, following the final day of this half term.
We will be pleased to welcome the children back on Monday 1st November at 8.45/8:55am.
Thank you for all your support over these last eight weeks, it makes all the difference, working in partnership with you to ensure that children have every opportunity to learn and grow.
Miss Haggerty