Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for your quick response to reading the news feed and completing the attached form.

If you haven't completed the form, we are now presuming that you do not need school provision during lockdown.

We have now collated numbers and those of you who have requested provision can now be offered a place in school, commencing tomorrow. I know some of you have said that you are happy to have certain days and we have also accommodated this. We now need to be able to establish systems and routines for the coming weeks.

Further Information for children attending school from tomorrow

The school day will commence at 9am for all children, please arrive at your normal gate.

The school day will finish at 3:30pm Monday - Thursday and 1:30pm on Fridays. NB: Although we are unable to start straight away with any After School provision; we are looking to put some provision in place hopefully by next week and are trying to ensure that we can do this in a safe and consistent way for pupils and available staff.

Your prompt collection and drop off for the present times will be greatly appreciated.

Please can you also confirm tomorrow if your child will be having school lunches. We would ask that the children attending full time would take a hot school dinner each day and not bring any extra items into school. (This also includes rucksacks/bags)

We are urging everyone to strictly follow government guidance which clearly asks us all to stay at home outside school hours.

Whilst attending school please avoid mixing with any other households. This will help to keep all staff and children safe.

Further Information for children at home

Commencing tomorrow all teachers will have placed learning in their class ‘home learning’ areas. This can be located by clicking on the Home Learning tab on your child’s class page. All teachers can be contacted using their class emails/dojo. Please do be aware that teachers will also be teaching during the day so their response to you may be delayed. Please be patient. Emergencies can be dealt with by phoning the school office.


We will continue to communicate on a weekly basis so please do read the weekly newsletter and the teacher's blogs. Effective communication is so important and will help us to all work as one caring team to keep everyone safe. We can do this!

We will keep everyone in our thoughts and prayers and ask that everyone try to say the Rosary (even if it is just 3 Hail Mary’s) to keep the health and wellbeing of our whole community in the hands of Mary, the patron of our Church and school.

Tomorrow is also the Feast of the Epiphany: Please look at the Church website (link on our home page) to see Fr Jim’s special (virtual) mass for school.

Please do take care and look after yourselves

God bless

Miss Haggerty and the Our Lady’s Team

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