Welcome Back to everyone!

It has been wonderful to see everyone again and a delight to be able to open school to all pupils for a new school year. The children have all grown so much since we last saw many of them. Last week’s ‘part-time week’ was been a lovely way for the children (and staff) to get a chance to familiarise themselves with the new safety measures in school and to get to know each other - and of course, to find out lots about experiences during lockdown!

This week, as you know, we are welcoming everyone back to their year groups and having lunch in school as we usually would.

Breakfast & After School Club

Breakfast and After School Clubs are now open but spread across 3 settings: At After School Club, Key Stage 1 children are the only bubbles in the club building, Years 3 & 4 are in the dining hall and Years 5 & 6 are in the main hall. Children are dropped off and collected at the dining hall through the Thornhill Close gates (opposite presbytery).

Thank You

I also wanted to say a huge thank you to parents for your patience and understanding as we try to get things running as smoothly and of course, as safely as we can, to drop off and collect children from the building. I do completely understand your frustrations, and we are trying to help as much as we can by having family groups drop all siblings and collect them all at the same time and from the same entrance. I am aware that it is hard for parents to socially distance as they arrive to collect and drop off children; however we have painted yellow feet on the pavement on Thornhill close and are also reminding you that wearing masks at this time would be safest for all.

We are trying our very best to try to make our start and end of day run as safely as possible. We know there will have to be ‘tweaks’ along the way so your patience is really appreciated!


Our Lady’s Birthday

Normally today, on the Feast of Our Lady’s birthday, we would be celebrating with a school mass to ask for Mary’s blessings on our school at the start of a new year. It is sad that we cannot gather together in this way - but a huge thank you to Father Jim who has recorded a mass with some of Year 6 reading. The children have watched and celebrated in this way today.

Our whole school wishes Mary a ‘Happy Birthday’ and prays that she walks with us on our difficult journeys this year.

Fr Jim is also saying mass for the intention of all of Our Lady’s School Family this evening at 7pm in church - a lovely way to start our school year!


Please do let us know if you are unsure/unclear about any of our current arrangements. Phoning school is the best and safest way for us to discuss anything rather than coming to the office.

A reminder that on Friday school closes after lunch, (see times below)


Again thank you for your understanding while we get arrangements running as smoothly as we can.

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