The great season of Lent is now upon us and our focus as a school is upon our gratefulness and generosity. All of us at Our Lady’s this Lenten Season are growing to be grateful for our own gifts, for the gift of other people, and for the blessings of each day; and the children are particularly thinking about how they can be more generous with their gifts, now and in the future.


Please take a look at this letter which gives details of a local dentist who are currently accepting new NHS patients.

As part of World Book Day celebrations Blackpool Catering Services have prepared a special menu for Thursday 5th March, for children who usually have a school dinner on this day - see attached menu.

Blackpool Catering Services have also updated their weekly menu which will take us up to the end of summer term 2. You can view their new menu here.

Also, please see the attached flyer with details of a 10% off sale for one day only - Saturday 7th March - at our uniform supplier shop in the town centre - 31 Clifton Street.

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