Our second half-term begins… and yet again we hear that our country is to begin the tightest of restrictions from Thursday 5th November due to the increase of COVID rates. Fortunately school is able to remain open for the time being, but it is a time for the whole community to carefully reflect upon our actions and to be extra vigilant with the hygiene and social distancing measures we currently have in place.
Yesterday, many of our children received their flu immunisations from the NHS nursing service. This is one way we can try to reduce our risk of this serious seasonal virus and stop the spread to others. Again, it is reassuring that many parents are looking at this serious illness, in which symptoms can be very similar to COVID, and trying to keep both your child and family in isolation until symptoms ease/subside; therefore reducing the risk to other children and families in our school community.
We do understand that these symptoms can be easily confused and there is no easy answer; however, to help a little, I have been sent a graphic which shows some of the key symptoms of each and what to look out for. CLICK HERE
Remember please that if anyone in your household/bubble experiences any COVID-like symptoms then EVERYONE IN THAT HOUSEHOLD MUST ISOLATE and therefore your child would need to stay at home during this period.
The NHS/Government advice still states:
Self-isolate immediately if:
you have any symptoms of coronavirus (a high temperature, a new, continuous cough or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste)
you've tested positive for coronavirus – this means you have the virus at that time
you live with someone who has symptoms or tested positive
someone in your support bubble has symptoms or tested positive
you're told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace or the NHS COVID-19 app
you arrive in the UK from a country with a high coronavirus risk – see GOV.UK: how to self-isolate when you travel to the UK
I have attached again the graphic below which details specific situations and actions as a reminder…
It is now even more vital that we abide by the strict guidance given to us in order to bring down our areas extremely high rates of infection. Therefore can we please ask that you are alert to any symptoms (see above) and that you:
self isolate IMMEDIATELY if anyone in family experiences symptoms.
ensure that you wear a mask/face covering to drop off/collect your child.
parents do not congregate at/around entrances to school. We must remember our social distancing and have regard for anyone who may be vulnerable - particularly as we have many grandparents who collect children.
try to minimise what your child brings in to school - please do not bring rucksacks if a book/reading record is all that is needed
We want Our Lady’s to remain open for all of our children!
Shoebox Appeal
Our PTFA have invited children/families to send in some items which could be used to fill shoeboxes for the annual ‘Samaritan’s Purse’ appeal which sends personalised boxes to needy children all over the world as Christmas Gifts for so many who may receive nothing at all on Christmas Day. If you are unaware of this charity - have a look at the website HERE.
Each class have decided to focus on one particular category of item to donate, so a small gift is all that is needed. (See below) but we do want to start filling the boxes NEXT WEEK - week beginning 9th November. So anything you can bring in would be gratefully appreciated.
Look out for the text to remind you what your child’s class has been asked to bring!
Please help a child this Christmas by packing a shoebox…
This term’s RE themes
This weekend we heard the Gospel story of the Beatitudes - or ‘Beautiful Attitudes’ as we have called them for the children. They teach us humility and faith in God in such a wonderful way. We are also concentrating upon our values of learning to be ‘Eloquent and Truthful’ in all we say and do.
When we find ourselves in difficult situations (as we are at the moment) it is so easy ONLY to think about yourself - but we are reminding ourselves that it is in supporting and helping others and in considering their needs that we find true happiness.
For November newsletter please click HERE. This will also give you a family reflection which you can do together at home.