We can hardly believe we are now halfway through Lent! The children have been trying very hard with their Lenten Promises - and I wonder if those of you who have given something up are managing to stick to it? I know I'm finding it hard! Well let's hope we can all stick at it for a wonderful celebration at Easter. To prepare us, KS1 will be presenting their Palm Liturgy on Friday 23rd March at 2.30pm and KS2 classes will be leading a special reflection each morning of Holy Week from 26th - 29th March at 9.15am. We hope some of our parents might be able to join us for these.
We also begin our Lent Challenge Masses each Friday - starting tomorrow at 8.10am in the school hall. Then we will have 2 more masses on Friday 16th and Friday 23rd March. We hope you can all come along to these and are welcome to join us for tea and toast in the hall afterwards.
We are still working hard at our "100 Million Minutes of Reading Challenge" and are encouraging the children to 'read, read, read' as much as they possibly can and record how long they have read - don't forget that being read to, also counts towards the amount. On Friday 16th March we are encouraging the children to bring in their favourite books to read throughout the day to try to build up those minutes and we have suggested (although it is only a suggestion) that if children want to dress up as their book character - or come in their PJs/onesies for a 'day of reading' then they are more than welcome to! NB: please note - it is enough just to bring in your favourite book - you do not have to wear anything different if you do not want to!
Just a quick reminder that we break up at 2pm on Thursday 29th March for Easter.
Many thanks for all of your support