A very warm welcome back to everyone at Our Lady of the Assumption!
I can't believe we have begun another school year - I don't know where the time goes! However, it is wonderful to see all the children eager and ready to learn in their new classes.
This year we welcome Mrs Chandler in our Year 3 class and Miss Dixon in Year 1. We are delighted to have these teachers at Our Lady's and you will have a chance to meet them at our informal 'meet the teacher' afternoons coming up in the next couple of weeks. These meetings will be from 3pm -3.30pm in your child's class so please try to come along if you can. It is a great way to find out a little more about your child's topics for this year, homework, PE etc and also the expectations for your child in their new year group. Class teachers are looking forward to meeting you!
We have had an amazing first week... ALL of our Key Stage 2 classes won Golden Awards this week!!! A first at Our Lady's! This goes to show how proud their teachers have been of the way your children have settled into their new class and also their eagerness to get down to work and their enthusiasm for all the new learning experiences and opportunities that lie ahead. It's been a great and, I'm sure will be a very positive and fruitful year for everyone.
We have lots of exciting events for the children over the coming half-term. We are celebrating 'Roald Dahl Day' on Tuesday with a special assembly and lots of book reviews and activities. Later, we will celebrate European Languages Day, with each class choosing a European Country to study in depth on that day. We have our favourite author - Dan Worsley coming to join us to discuss his writing process for his new book and also our Welcome Assembly and further events as we come to the end of the special 'Year of Mercy' in November. (Don't forget to look at the calendar for specific dates of events!)
I also have to say a special well done to our new Year 6. They have begun their final year at Primary School in the best way possible - getting down to their work with enthusiasm; undertaking many of their new responsibilities in a very sensible way and most of all... demonstrating such a mature and positive attitude to all they have done in and around school. I can see that they are really about to show us that they can lead our school this year with love and respect and be shining examples to everyone!
We also welcome our new Reception children who have made a lovely start to their school life. We look forward to their starting full time on 19th September. I would just like to draw new parents attention to our large play equipment between Reception area and After School Club. THIS EQUIPMENT IS ONLY FOR CHILDREN 8 YRS & OVER. It must only be used with careful supervision and IS NOT FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. Therefore, I'm sure you appreciate if staff bring children off the equipment if they notice them playing on it. Please can I ask that parents do not let children play on this before and after school; we don't want any accidents to start the school year. Thank you for your help on this!
Keep looking on your child's class pages for updates and further news each week!