Key Stage 2 SATs

Our Year 6 children all sat the end of year statutory tests in English and Maths last week (SATs). They coped really well with the new, harder style tests produced by the government and ended the week with smiles; knowing they had all tried their best. Our Lady's was very proud of them all. Well done everyone!


First Holy Communion

Many of our Year 3 children will be receiving their First Holy Communion on Sunday 22nd May at a special 12 o'clock mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church.

They have all spent about 12 weeks preparing for this wonderful event and the next great step in their journey of faith. They will be having official photographs taken at church on Friday 20th May at 10.00am. We want to wish them all well and hope you will keep them in your prayers for this special time in their lives.


Congratulations and a fond farewell...

We have had news this week of two of our amazing members of staff who are about to embark on new beginnings.

Mr Sharrock is taking up a post with further responsibilities at the Willows Catholic School in Kirkham and Mrs Harding has been successfully appointed as a teacher in a School for the Deaf. Something for which she has been training for some time.

We wish them both every success in their new ventures and we will keep you posted about our quest to find replacements for September.


Parking Issues

Can parents please be aware that the rear of Thornhill Close is a residential area and therefore priority MUST be given to the residents who may need access to/from their parking spaces at any time.

Some parents/families collecting children have been blocking residents cars or parking spaces and this is simply unfair as many residents have disabilities and need clear access to their vehicles.

Please can I ask you to consider others when you are collecting or dropping off in vehicles. We are usually a very considerate Catholic community and we should set a good example to our children of treating others as you would like to be treated and in the words of Christ: 'loving our neighbours as ourselves'.


Own Clothes Day

A reminder that we have an Own Clothes Day in school on Friday 27th May which is the day we break up for half-term. This will cost £1 and PTA are collecting for a bespoke music storage area for the hall to be used by all pupils when they have music lessons.

Thank you all for your support.

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