After our (almost) 6 weeks of preparation during Lent we have almost arrived at Holy Week which of course will begin on Palm (or Passion) Sunday this weekend.
To start us on our Holy Week journey - our Key Stage 1 pupils will lead the school in their 'Palm Liturgy' - a song filled celebration of that first Palm Sunday when Jesus rode back into Jerusalem on a donkey! This takes place this afternoon: Friday 18th March at 2.30pm in Our Lady's Church.
Of course, the events which followed were the saddest ones that we remember when Jesus held a last meal together with his disciples, led them out to pray with him and was so cruelly arrested and put on trial. His friends leaving him and even denying that they knew him.
Our school remembers each of these terrible events in our special assemblies next week: Beginning on Monday with Year 3's portrayal of 'The Last Supper', we then move to Tuesday when Year 4 will show us Jesus leading his friends out to pray in 'The Garden of Gethsemane' when Judas betrayed him and brought the soldiers to arrest Jesus. On Wednesday we hear the solemn reflection of Jesus' crucifixion, presented by Year 5. On Thursday, we are told the story of the Resurrection - the day we celebrate Jesus coming back to life to be with us forever. Year 6 lead us in this part of the Easter Triumph.
We hope some parents may be able to join us for these solemn reflections each morning starting at 9.10am each day.
Break for Easter
We finish school for our Easter break on Thursday 24th March at 2.oopm. There is no After School Club on this day.
We return after the holiday at 8.45am on Tuesday 5th April.
We wish everyone a happy and holy Easter break.
Welcome Mrs Harding
We welcome Mrs Harding back to school next week following the birth of her baby. Mrs Harding will be teaching for 3 days throughout the Summer Term, mostly in Year 1. We are delighted to have her back. We have missed you Mrs Harding!
Advert for our new Deputy Headteacher
Today the advert will be posted to appoint a new Deputy Headteacher for Our Lady's for September 2016. The documents will be available to download from Blackpool Council Job vacant pages, found on the Catholic Education Service website and also on our school website. (The documents are on the 'Pupil Voice' Page of our website & all details are available there)
Goodbye Fr Paul
We also say a fond farewell to Father Paul Dadson, our priest at Our Lady's. We only heard the news a couple of weeks ago that Father Paul will be moving up to Cumbria as he has been asked to be in charge of 2 parishes by Bishop Michael.
We will be welcoming our new priest, Fr Burns, just after Easter.
We will really miss Father Paul - it's a shame we are losing him so soon - just as we were really getting to know him; however we look forward to meeting our new priest and wish Fr Paul every happiness in his new parishes.
Easter Card Making Key Stage 1
Our Lady's Ambassadors (from Year 5) re going to make some lovely Easter Cards with our Key Stage 1 children to raise funds for CAFOD this Easter. The cards will cost £1 to buy but there will also be a winner chosen from each class for the best work.
A great idea everyone!