As many of you will know, we have recently come to the end of this special Jubilee Year of Mercy on the Feast of Christ the King. This has been a very special year and one in which the children have really focused upon the 'little things' they can do and say which show the love of Christ through each one of us!
As we come to the end of our first week of Advent 2016 we have decided that at this special time of year, when we think about the difficult journey that Mary and Joseph had to endure to get to Bethlehem, we also would think about our journeys through Advent with them.
We are so fortunate in the many gifts that we have and our amazing children realise that there are so many families and children just like them, who will struggle to find homes, shelter and food this Christmas. So in this way, we have discussed the 'Little Acts of Mercy' we can show to others during this Advent Season.
Own Clothes Day...
Next Friday 9th December school will have an 'Own Clothes Day' and as one of our little acts of mercy we have asked that each child bring in some chocolate. This will not be for us, but instead will go towards making little treats - for children who may not have any presents this year. The chocolate will be donated therefore to Blackpool Food Bank for the Christmas Appeal.
School Council...
The children from our School Council want to try to give a family in a third world country the gift of a goat/water/a meal; from the CAFOD 'World Gifts' website. They will hold a hot chocolate making afternoon next week so children can bring in 50p if they would like a lovely drink (with marshmallows etc!)
Santa Dash...
We are holding a Fun Run on the morning of 15th December for everyone at school - children and parents!!! From 8.45am we will all take to the school field in our Christmas Jumpers/Santa Hats/Festive decorations to undertake a Sponsored Run for as many laps of our track as we can manage in about half an hour!!!! The monies collected will be split between school for much needed resources and also to offset the cost of class trips/visits for families; and also towards Trinity Hospice - we will also have 'Hospuss' - Trinity's mascot, who will be running along with us, and, you never know; possibly a visit from Santa too! Every child who returns their sponsor form on (or before) the event, will be put in a class 'draw' to win a lovely Christmas Prize!
Advent Masses...
Starting this Friday, 2nd December, we will be holding 3 special Advent masses in school at 8.15am in the school hall. (2nd, 9th & 16th Dec) Fr Jim will be leading us in these special masses to help us to focus upon welcoming Jesus into our hearts this Christmas. We do hope many of you will be able to join us as we really need children to serve with Father, to read and of course, to come and have some toast and a drink afterwards!!!!!
We really hope lots of you will be able to join us for the masses and other events and help to make this a wonderful Advent and prepare ourselves in the best way to meet Christ this Christmas!