Parents with a child currently in Year 6 may have already considered the secondary school choices for them as they begin their last year at primary.
A reminder however that parents with children beginning secondary school in September 2016, MUST HAVE COMPLETED THEIR APPLICATION BY 31st OCTOBER 2015.
Parents can access the brochures on the School Admissions webpage. Paper application forms will be available, but Blackpool residents should apply on-line at Note: All applications for a faith school will also be required to complete a supplementary form (these should also be available on admissions website - if not found however, look at the secondary schools own website or contact them)
NB: Families who pay their council tax to Wyre or Fylde should apply to Lancashire County Council. Forms completed on Blackpool Admissions site will not be received by Lancashire County Council.
Also, as the open evenings for secondary schools are coming up very soon, you may want to check on the school's own website for the exact date, time and exact admission arrangements of these.
For St Mary's, the general school open evening for prospective parents will be on Monday 28th September 2015 with parents from Our Lady of Assumption invited to attend the evening at 6:30 p.m. There will be tours of the College to see the new facilities, talk to our staff and students and see the students at work.
However, to help you with your decision Our Lady of Assumption and St. Mary’s are holding a joint meeting for parents on Monday 21st September 2015 starting at 6p.m. at Our Lady of Assumption. At the event there will be a series of short talks from senior staff at St. Mary’s, the opportunity to ask questions and the chance to find out in more detail some aspects of the work done by our local Catholic Academy.
We also extend an invite to those parents of children in Year 5 who may also be wishing to take their time in considering options for their children in the coming 12 months.
We look forward to seeing you in our school hall at 6pm on Monday evening - 21st September 2015.
Letter of invitation from Our Lady's & St Mary's