Another term seems to have just flown by and here we are coming to the end of the second term of the school year!

We certainly have had an 'eggciting' time during the past couple of weeks. Not least with our wonderful Easter Egg Decorating Competition. Everyone worked 'eggstremely' hard (sorry about the puns!) and there were some quite amazing creations produced this year. 


I must give a big thank you however to the Year 6 boys who organised and ran the competition - I think we have some brilliant future managers on our hands. Although several boys were involved in this - I have to mention Ben and Joe in particular who were instrumental in its organisation and promotion  around school. Well done boys! I am so impressed at your skills!

An example of some of the amazing creations!

An example of some of the amazing creations!

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This Sunday we  celebrate  Palm Sunday …   and  so  begins Holy Week  2015. 

A reminder that families are urged to come and share in the celebrations during this most solemn and special time in the Christian year.

Thursday 7.00pm—Mass of the Lord’s Supper.

Friday 10.00am—Stations of the Cross.   3.00pm Good Friday Mass.

Easter Saturday 7.00pm The Easter Vigil.

Easter Sunday 10.30am -Family Mass.

We hope you will be able to participate in some or all of these important services this year.



Monday 30th March—9.15am   Year 3 ‘The Last Supper’

Tuesday 31st March—9.15am  Year 4 ‘The Garden of Gethsemane’

Wednesday 1st April—9.15am

Year 5 ‘The Crucifixion’

1.30pm—Year 6 ‘The Resurrection’


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Everyone at school was delighted and astounded at the high quality of all of the entries (I think some of you need to come into school and use some of your ideas for display!!!)

The Year 6 boys have collected the money raised - which was close to £100! and they will be buying a 'World Gift' on your behalf from CAFOD for a family overseas.

Thank you again for your skills, kindness and generosity!

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