Huge congratulations to all of our Key Stage 1 children and their teachers for their outstanding nativities this year...
On Friday our Reception class performed 'Fishing for Stars' so beautifully. We could hardly believe this was the first performance they had done since joining Our Lady's - and how wonderful they were!
Last night Year 1 and Year 2 presented their 'Wriggly Nativity' to parents, families and friends. Another delight!!!! They all sang, spoke and danced with such amazing confidence. Well done to each and everyone one of you.
This has obviously put us all in the Christmas Spirit - and yet we still have more exciting events for everyone before we stop for our Christmas break on Friday.
Tuesday is our Christmas Dinner in school and we always look forward to Judy's amazing cooking! (Children and staff alike!)
On Wednesday our Key Stage 2 children will be continuing to put us in the Christmas mood by leading school in a Carol Concert in Our Lady of the Assumption Church at 2.30pm. It is always a truly lovely way to lead us to Christmas as our whole school joins together to sing some familiar and traditional Christmas Carols in the presence of God in our church, an opportunity for us all to pray together as a community, to see and feel that sense of Christmas hope and love in a world of darkness. We pray that we all may be truly 'present' to share the joy and peace that Christ was born to bring.
Following the carols, we ask that parents, family and parish who join us on this afternoon will remain in church while the children are taken back to school by their teachers. We will then draw the winners of our HAMPER RAFFLE! Therefore, you have only 2 more days to buy raffle tickets for these stunning hampers which would make an amazing gift for anyone this Christmas! (For some images of the hampers see the previous news)
On Thursday Mrs Ormerod's Dance Club will be performing their incredible 'James Bond' themed dance at the Tower Ballroom in Blackpool. This is an amazing opportunity for the children to perform in this prestigious event and this dance looks to be a real 'show-stopper'. Good luck everyone! I'm sure this will be an amazing evening!
Friday 18th December is our last day at school in 2015. (Not to be confused with the 2016/17 holiday list issued last week)
To note: School closes at 2pm on this date. When we return we have so many things to pack into the new year, including a school 'Spelling Bee', rehearsal for 'Midsummer Night's Dream', art work for the 'Young Seasiders' competition amongst many other things... I think we'll all need a good rest over the hoildays!!!!
We return to school at 8.45am on Monday 4th January 2016. Keep checking on the calendar on this website for future dates and events.
I would like to wish all of our families and friends a very happy and holy Christmas and peace in 2016.