Maths - page 28

English - page 88

Reading - daily please!

Can the children also make sure they are going on times tables rock stars at least three times a week. I have now ‘set’ different tables for the children to practice.

Next week I will be testing the children on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables AND their matching division facts.

Thank you!

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Maths: pages 12 & 13

English: pages 44 & 45

Please ensure your child is reading each night and that you are signing their reading record.

Thank you

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Maths - page 48

English - page 38 & 39

Please ensure your child is reading each night.

Thank you

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Maths - page 6

English - pages 20 & 21

Please ensure your children are also reading daily.

Thank you

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Maths - pages 2, 3, 4 & 5.

English - page 5.

Please ensure the children are reading nightly and you are signing the reading record to show they have read. The children will earn stickers for their bookmark based on how many times they have read at home that week.

Thank you

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Maths - pages 16 & 17

English - pages 82 & 83

Homework is due in on Tuesday.

Thank you.

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Maths: page 50

English: pages 80 & 81

Homework is due in on Tuesday.


AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Maths - pages 46 & 47

English - pages 24 & 25

Homework is due back in on Tuesday.

Thank you

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Maths - pages 18 & 19

English - pages 10 & 11

Homework is due back in on Tuesday.

Thank you

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

English - pages 60 & 61

Maths - pages 10 & 11

Due to having Maths and English homework this week, homework will be due in on Tuesday instead of Monday.

Thank you

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Maths book - please complete pages 9, 12 and 13. Please ensure the children complete this as independently as possible.

Thank You

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Homework for the rest of the term will just be to continue with times tables.

AuthorLesley Chandler

The children have times tables and spellings to learn this week. Please keep the little yellow homework book in their reading folder to ensure that it is in school every day. Spelling and times tables tests will be on Friday.

AuthorLesley Chandler

Please carry on with times tables and reading for homework. Tables tests will continue to be on a Friday and we will check reading records on a Monday.

AuthorLesley Chandler

Have a lovely half term! No homework has been set although it would be great if reading could continue.

AuthorLesley Chandler

Please continue with times tables. Some children have new tables to learn while others need to spend a bit longer learning the one they have.

AuthorLesley Chandler

Your child will have a times table stuck into their yellow spelling book. The only homework this week is to learn that times table so they can answer the sums out of order and quickly. It is an incredibly important piece of homework as it will help them tackle more difficult multiplication and division sums in the next few weeks. They will have a short test on the times table they have learnt on Friday.

AuthorLesley Chandler

Maths-p22 and 23

English- p28 and 29

AuthorLesley Chandler

English- p24 and 25

Maths- p32 and 33

AuthorLesley Chandler


English p88


We have also started a times tables challenge this week. The children's challenge is to learn all of their times tables. The first child to reach this target will win a prize. Your child should know which times table they are on and tests will be held on Fridays.

AuthorLesley Chandler