Our Lady of the Assumption Parent, Teacher and Friend Association
“The school is a thriving partnership of people who pull together and are committed to continuing the development of the school.”
Welcome to a new school year 2015/16
Good morning
You are warmly invited to our PTA meeting on Thursday 8th October at 6 pm.
We will get together in the staff room (please use the main reception entrance) to discuss activities for the coming term (including Manchester Coach Trip & Christmas Event).
We do hope you can join us to meet our members and hear about more of the wonderful things we do at Our Lady's. If you can encourage any other parents/grandparents/friends to come along with you that would be great ... we'd love to see some new faces!
PTA Team
PTA News
Disco for Ben Brown 2nd October 2013
Hi everyone
As many of you already know, there's a school DISCO on Wed 2nd October to fundraise for Ben Brown (see attached poster for full details). Ben is suffering from cancer and we want to raise lots of money for his family to help pay for vital treatment.
It would be great to have lots of PTA support from 5 pm onwards. There will be plenty of jobs we can help with (serving drinks, sweet stall, hot dogs, collecting tickets etc). Please e-mail me back if you can help so I can let Margaret know.
Many thanks & hope to see you at the disco!
We raised £958.90 for Ben from the disco with almost another £180 just from donations and collections by parents.Ben's family are so grateful - he had a great time (and still managed to get to school today)
14th October 2013
Hi everyone
Following our meeting last Thursday, below are diary dates of events we need support with please ...
SWISHING EVENT - Thursday 14th November (1 night only in school Dining Hall)
Friday 15th November - 9 am Bag 2 School Collection
NEXT PTA MEETING - Thursday 7th November @ 6 pm
MANCHESTER XMAS SHOPPING TRIP - Sunday 24th November (now 2 coaches)
CHRISTMAS FAIR - Friday 29th November
Thursday 24th October - Own Clothes Day for bottle tombola donations
Friday 22nd November - Pyjamas/Onesies Day for chocolate donations
DVD NIGHT - Friday 24th January 2014
Please share this e-mail with any friends or other parents/guardians/grandparents who you think may be willing to come along to help at our events.
Many thanks for your support.
8th November 2013
Hi everyone. A quick update following our PTA meeting last night ...
SWISHING EVENT - Thursday 14th November (1 night only in school Dining Hall)
We have approx 6 or 7 people helping and welcome anyone else who can please!
1.30 pm onwards - Sorting stock & setting up
3.00 - 4.30 pm - Selling & clearing away
Friday 15th November - 9 am Bag 2 School Collection
Stanley Conservative Club, Common Edge Road (no ticket required)
Please help support Margaret with her latest fundraiser for Ben Brown's Appeal
Diamond School Reunion arranged by Church - Friday 22nd November. Tickets & more info available from Mrs Wilson
MANCHESTER XMAS SHOPPING TRIP - Sunday 24th November leaving at 9 am.
We've got a record 116 people going on 2 coaches (1 x Jacksons & 1 x Arrow).
Thank you to Shelley Jackson & to Glynis for co-ordinating this, it will make £460 profit!
CHRISTMAS FAIR - Friday 29th November
We collected 183 bottles on own clothes day which is fantastic.
Chocolate donations - Friday 22nd Nov - Pyjamas/Onesies Day (to be worn with shoes/trainers).
Cakes - Nicolette to do the paper plate request again as very successful last time.
Other stalls as previously - Xmas Lucky Dip, Bottle Tombola, Choc Tombola, Teddy Tombola, Face Painting, Visit Santa, Hot food/refreshments, Cakes, Drinks/tuck, Raffle, School Council (reindeer food?) plus an activity and/or craft stall.
We won't be asking for Bric a Brac as we get it anyway! We will sell any kids toys & games on a stall for people to buy as gifts (any other bric a brac items received to be sold at table top after Xmas)
DVD NIGHT - Friday 24th January 2014
Christmas Fundraising 13th December 2013
Hi all! As promised, here's a quick update on our recent fundraising events:
Christmas Fair = £1,200 profit approx (exact figure tbc). Spare cakes were then sold in Church on the Sunday and raised a further £36!
Coach Trip to Manchester = £445 profit
Bag 2 school = £203 profit (£63 Swishing & £140 for 280 kilos)
Please will you share these latest successes with anyone else involved as I haven't got e-mail addresses for everyone who help us regularly!
Thanks so much everyone for all the time & effort you put in, it's greatly appreciated.
With very best wishes for a wonderful Christmas.
10th January 2014
Happy New Year everyone!
Hope you all had a great Christmas.
We are having another DVD night on Friday 24th January 2014 at 5.30 pm (finish at approx 7.30 pm). Children will be buying their tickets in advance and will get a hot dog & drink. We will also run a tuck shop and serve drinks for parents.
Nicolette has done a flyer to go home with the children today - please let us know if you are able to help on the night.
That night we would also like to arrange our first PTA meeting so please bring your diary!
Many thanks
21st January 2014
Hi everyone
Hope you are all well.
Nicolette has set up something new for us to try for 2014 - a 'Mini Meet'. It will be in the school staff room on Friday 7th February from 2.45 pm so we're hoping people will come on their way to do the school run.
Have a good week & see you soon,
17th March 2014
Hi everyone!
We are having a PTA 'Mini Meet' in the staff room on Friday 28th March 2014 at 2.30 pm
Hope to see you then!
Many thanks