I cannot begin to tell you the pride that I feel for everyone in Our Lady’s school community. Every one of you is a blessing and I am humbled to think that I have been just a small part of this wonderful place!

Every child I look at (and remember from years gone by) is, and has been, a real inspiration - in fact the quote below sums it up beautifully!

I have been humbled to know and work with every one of your children - past and present!

More goodbyes…

Last week our amazing Miss Benson - our music teacher, announced that she has been successful in her application for a full time music teaching position at Ripley St Thomas Academy. Ripley is a large school situated in beautiful grounds in the city of Lancaster. The school has a long and proud tradition. It is a very prestigious post Miss Benson will take up from September.

We wish her many congratulations on this wonderful new post, but tinged with sadness as we will be saying goodbye to a skilled, inspirational and much loved practitioner next week. Miss Benson has worked as a woodwind teacher at Our Lady’s for many years and both staff and children will be sad to bid her farewell. We do wish her every success in her new post.

School will have a new woodwind teacher from September and Miss Hope (who currently teaches some music to Reception class weekly) will be teaching weekly music lessons for all Key Stage 1 pupils from September.

Thank you for the music Miss Benson!

End of year Leavers Mass

We will be holding our Leavers mass to celebrate our wonderful Year 6 pupils at Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church at 9.30am on Tuesday 19th July and also to give thanks for God’s blessings on our whole school during this academic year.

Our Year 6 children will be leading this poignant mass and we will also be giving out our End of Year Golden Awards and our special Music Award to celebrate achievements throughout the school this year. It will be very special to be able to gather together as a whole school in this way once again. Families are very welcome to join us for this mass - but we ask that masks be worn by adults attending the mass on this morning.

AuthorGuest User

“Each morning we are born again… what we do today is what matters most!”

Well, our last half term has begun… we have got off to a flying start with Year 6 off on their residential week to WaterParks Centre in the Lake District and many other classes beginning assessments to show the progress they have made in times tables, phonics etc; Following 2 years of lockdown chaos, this has been no easy task, but as ever, the children have risen to the challenges they have been given and have tried their best. We cannot ask for more!

We must first send congratulations to Mrs Murphy who gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby girl just at the weekend we broke for the holiday! Both mother and baby are doing really well! We also send all our love and prayers with Mrs Holden as she will shortly leave us for the birth of her baby. When this does happen, Miss Holmes (who has previously taught the class for several weeks) will step into Mrs Holden’s shoes and teach the children up until the end of the school year.

Caring for others…

Our Lady’s pupils always make us so proud with their care and support for each other and none more so than Evie and her sister Charlotte who, we have found out performed a selfless act for the benefit of the whole community.

Last year, Evie and Charlotte raised £400 for Highfield Road Park by having their hair cut and donating it to the ‘Little Princess Trust’.

The money has been used to fund 8 weeks of multi-sports on a Wednesday evening 5pm-6pm.

The club has now begun on Wednesday Evenings - and is completely free!

The girls did this so that everyone could have join the club so come on down and have a look (if you haven’t already!)

Well Done girls. An amazing thing to do!

A message from our new Headteacher…

Dear Parents,

We wrote to you last term to let you know that we had appointed a new Headteacher and promised to share further details.
We are now delighted to announce that from September Mrs Mannix will be taking over from Miss Haggerty.

Mrs Mannix joins us from her role as Headteacher at St Mary's Catholic Primary School in Devon.
Please see below letter of introduction.

We hope that you join us in welcoming Mrs Mannix to our School family and Catholic community.

Best regards

Our Lady of the Assumption Board of Governors.

Dear Parents and families of Our Lady’s

I am looking forward to visiting before the end of the term and to returning in September as the headteacher of Our Lady’s.

I am an experienced headteacher who has worked across the South West in Catholic schools for the last 22 years.

I am someone who likes to be hands on; you will see me each morning as the children arrive into school and I will make time to know each of your children as individuals. I will spend time in each class base and work closely with stakeholders across school to ensure that I know what is happening, what is going well and what can be further improved.

I ensure that children feel safe and have the skills to flourish in their learning. It is also very important to me that children do not compare themselves and that each child feels valued and has a strong sense of their own worth. These are how we will know that faith values are truly alive in our school; each one of us is loved for who we are, and nothing can set us outside of God’s love.    

I build and grow potential. I see my role as a support for what is going well and for what can be further improved.  I won’t change things for the sake of changing things.  I will watch, listen and ask a lot and I will be seeking to improve everything that can be improved.

I have continued to study and to develop my skills and the skills of all staff and will bring that enthusiasm and knowledge with me. I have had much success in building happy schools where children achieve well because of the skills and systems in place.

Having met with Miss Haggerty and the staff team and governors I feel honoured to have been selected as headteacher. I will work hard and smart with and for the children, staff and families of the school.

I very much look forward to meeting you in the autumn if not before.

Wishing you a very successful end to the term.

Yours sincerely,

Elaine Mannix

AuthorGuest User

Please take a look at this poster from Revoe Learning Academy. They are holding a coffee morning where local services will be there for both professionals and families to touch base, gain a greater understanding of services on offer and to access support should they need any help. RLA would love to welcome as many people there as possible.

Best wishes, Mrs Ormerod.

AuthorGlynis Wilson

Like so many people this week, I have been BURSTING with pride at the achievements and efforts of the children at Our Lady’s.

Across school this week our amazing children have been expressing their unique talents and, most importantly, using them to serve, support and delight others’!

The week began with our Year 5 class who gave the most outstanding performance of Shakespeare’s ‘Much Ado about Nothing’ on the Grand theatre stage on Tuesday 15th March. To say they were phenomenal was an understatement. They absolutely rose to the ocassion and both performances at 1pm and 6pm were outstanding.

Have a look at some more pictures on Y5 class news page

We then our fabulous Year 3 children who began their ‘Bits & Bobs’ pop up sale to raise money for Ukraine. Following a brainstorm with their teacher, the children had tried to think of ways they could try to help the poor families they had heard about on the news. Together they came up with an idea to make various items to sell to the rest of the school during the week and send whatever they raised to the Ukrainian Appeal.

None of us quite imagined how this would capture everyone’s hearts… and the children raised an incredible £655 by Friday.

We were so amazed at the children’s efforts we asked the Gazette to come and talk to the children about what they had done. They arrived on Friday and wrote a lovely and well deserved piece in the newspaper.

Read the whole article HERE.

And as if ALL of that wasn’t enough… we then had a wonderful treat on Saturday afternoon when many children from Our Lady of the Assumption performed together with Blackpool Symphony Orchestra at a spectacular concert at The Marine Hall in Fleetwood.

This was part of the Symphony Orchestra’s Centenery celebrations and they decided to showcase the wonderful musical talents of Our Lady’s children by a concert which highlighted a taste of the musical abilities of the children.

Our Year 2 children played glockenspiels beautifully to Ponchielli’s ‘Dance of the Hours’; Year 5 & Year 6 choir then sang the sea shanty “Wellerman” with the most amazing diction. The concert concluded with the school band playing alongside the orchestra to Copland’s ‘Hoe-down’ from ‘Rodeo’. The children were absolutely incredible and an absolute credit to their families and to our school. I must also give my heartfelt thanks to Miss Benson who rehearsed the children wonderfully for their performance - even writing the musical score for the whole orchestra for Wellerman. You are a star Miss B!

Thank you to all of the parents and families who came along to support them. It was a fantastic experience for all involved!

AuthorGuest User

Here we are, at the beginning of another Season of Lent! I really think I am feeling my age as this seems to come around quicker every year!!!!!

The word ‘Lent’ is taken from the Anglo-Saxon and means ‘Spring’ or ‘Lengthening.’ Lent is that time of year when the days lengthen. The season begins on Ash Wednesday and culminates in the celebration of Easter. This coming Wednesday we celebrate Ash Wednesday. Key Stage Two classes will be attending the 9.30am mass in church where ashes will be distributed. Fr Frank will then come across to our school hall for a short Liturgy when our Key Stage One classes will receive their ashes.

Fr Frank and Fr Chris have produced a Lent Booklet which contains ideas for activities during Lent but also highlights the times of masses and services up to and including Holy Week and the Easter Triduum. Please have a look so that you know when and where these will be.

Family Music Concert

On Saturday 19th March 2022 we are delighted to have been invited to join the Blackpool Symphony Orchestra for their centenary celebrations.

BSO enjoys a special relationship with Our Lady of the Assumption RC Primary in Blackpool as their ‘Orchestra in Residence’.

Over the past ten years the orchestra has worked on a range of projects staging concerts in the school, joint performances in professional venues and opportunities for the school band to rehearse with the BSO music director. The orchestra rehearses on a weekly basis at our school, putting it at the heart of the community.

BSO's centenary concert plans for 2022 include a concert at Fleetwood's Marine Hall on Saturday March 19th, in conjunction with pupils from Our Lady of the Assumption, which is specially designed to introduce new audience members and youngsters, to the joys of live orchestral music.

Music will include highlights from Beethoven’s famous 5th Symphony , Mussorgsky’s Night on a Bare Mountain, 'Mars' from Holst's The Planets and many other classical favourites as we perform a joint concert with them at The Marine Hall in Fleetwood at 3pm on that day. (See the Gazette report HERE.)

For this concert we have children from Year 2 who will be playing their glockenspiels with the orchestra and also our Year 5 & 6 choir who will be singing a sea shanty with new orchestral pieces written by our own Miss Benson. We will then have our instrumentalists who will be playing alongside the orchestra.

Rehearsals together with BSO begin this week and we are all very excited for this event.

Tickets for the concert can be found at: Tickets - Wyretheatres.co.uk

‘Much Ado about Nothing’

As part of Our Lady’s work as a Lead Associate School with The Royal Shakespeare Company, Mrs Ormerod and Mrs McVey have produced some scenes with Year 5 for this years Shakespeare Playmaking Festival at The Grand Theatre Blackpool.

This is an amazing opportunity for the children as they get to perform scenes from Shakespeare’s ‘Much Ado about Nothing’ on the Grand Theatre Stage directed by an R.S.C. lead actor mentor.

We are all really excited to see what the children have produced.

You can book tickets HERE through Blackpool Grand Theatre website. Our Lady of the Assumption is performing at both 1pm and 6pm on Tuesday 15th March only. Other schools participating in the Lead Associate Schools Festival are performing on Thursday 17th March. The tickets cost just £10 for adults and £7 for under 18’s.

AuthorGuest User

Family Music Concert with Blackpool Symphony Orchestra

Next half term, we have joined together with Blackpool Symphony Orchestra to give our children a wonderful opportunity to showcase their musical talents in a concert together with the Symphony Orchestra.

The concert will be on 19th March at 3pm in The Marine Hall in Fleetwood. If your child will be participating in this event a letter will come out soon with further details.

Parent Teacher Meetings

Usually at February half-term, Our Lady’s would usually send parents a mid-term report on their child’s progress to date. As we have again had little opportunity to talk to parents due to risk assessments in school, we would like to hold another virtual ‘face-to-face’ meeting with all parents on our INSET Day - Monday 21st February.

This will give you all the opportunity to speak to your child’s class teacher and look together at the progress your child has made at this mid-way point in the academic year. It will also give parents and class teachers the chance to speak directly to each other about any questions/issues/worries either has regarding the children at this point in the year.

A link to book your time on this day will come out at end of this week.


Our Year 5 (and some Y6) children will be taking their ‘bikeability’ course next half-term. As most children who would be riding bicycles have undertaken (and passed) this course - a reminder that ALL people riding bikes to and from school should ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET to ensure their safety.

Many thanks.

AuthorGuest User