Our School Gallery
Stations of the Cross
During Lent, each of our classes have closely studied 2 of the Stations of the Cross depicting Jesus' journey to his crucifixion.
The children have thought carefully about each of the stations and have come up with ideas which would show the suffering of Jesus and those who loved him.
As you can see, they have created some thought-provoking pieces of work.
These will be displayed in Our Lady of the Assumption Church throughout Holy Week. Please try to come along to some of the services during Holy Week and stop by to look at these wonderful pieces of art work.
Details of times of services are on the church web pages which you can access directly by clicking on the 'church' button on the left hand side of our website.
Created by Year 6
Created by Reception
Created by Reception
Created by Year 3
Created by Year 3
Created by Year 2
Created by Year 5
Created by Year 1
Created by Year 4
Created by Year 6
Created by Year 4
Created by Year 5
Created by Year 2
Created by Year 1