Welcome to Our Lady of the Assumption SEN

A warm welcome to all parents and particularly to our new parents.

I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mrs Ormerod and I am the school SENCO ( special education needs coordinator) and the deputy headteacher. My office is situated next door to the school office and I can be contacted by phone or email:

school office phone number: 01253 762833

email : senco@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk

Any information regarding SEN ( special educational needs) will be shared with you on this page of the website.

Please click here to find out our Schools Offer

Useful links

Blackpool Local Offer

Parenting Advice

National Sleep help line

Parents and Carers Advice

Minds Matter

The Expert Parenting Guide

Family Lives

Alcohol Advice


Emotional Regulation Resources

Blackpool CAMHS

Blackpool Parent Forum

Primary Mental Health Worker FYI directory link

Current Matters

 Energy Saving Support

Primary Mental Health Workers ( PMHW)

Primary Mental Health Workers (PMHW) virtual drop ins

Cost of Living help Drop In sessions

SEND Parents meeting and Parent Hub


Mrs Ormerod

Primary mental Health

PMHW news letter November

Blackpool SEND News Letter

This will be updated as soon as I receive them.

Please click on the link below to read this months news letter regarding all areas of support and information regarding SEN.
February 2021 Newsletter

March News Letter